How to wash a sweater and cardigan at home?

Website design By BotEap.comSweaters and cardigans are fairly common and are a trendy way to keep warm. The best thing about these is that they can never go out of style. Therefore, it is important to take due care. Another reason to pay special attention is that pure wool sweaters and cardigans are very expensive.

Website design By BotEap.comWhy wash differently?

Website design By BotEap.comIf you wash a sweater or cardigan like normal clothes, it will ruin them. If you wash it in a washing machine or even rub it with your hands, the sweater will be deformed and shrink greatly.

Website design By BotEap.comSome people also have the misconception that, just like human hair, they will return to normal after drying, so they put them in the dryer for this purpose. This, in turn, further ruins the sweater; the strands get shaggy and end up looking like a hairball.

Website design By BotEap.comStep-by-step guide to washing a sweater or cardigan

Website design By BotEap.comWith a material as sensitive as wool, it is important that it is washed properly. To help you, here is a step-by-step guide to washing them:

Website design By• Materials: The first thing you should do is collect all the items and put them aside so that everything can be done without the necessary delay. The items you will need are a small tub, hot and cold water, a basket with holes like a normal laundry basket, a mild detergent, and two towels.

Website design By• Preparation: Take the tub and pour cold water into it, and then add a mild detergent and mix well. Using hot water or a strong detergent can damage the sweater. Then place the basket in the tub in such a way that it is not completely submerged and can be easily lifted.

Website design By• Soak: After everything is done, pack a sweater or cardigan. Do not wash more than one at the same time, as its color could drip and rub off the other. Close all buttons and zippers on the sweater. You can also fold it for better care. Then gently soak the sweater in the water; doing it quickly could cause the water to run out of the tub. Also, this will not allow the material to absorb the detergent.

Website design By• Rinse: After leaving it in the water for 5 to 10 minutes, when you are sure it has been completely absorbed, remove the basket. Then, put it in a basket of clean water and repeat until the water runs clear.

Website design By• Towel Dry: After proper rinsing, place a towel on a flat surface. Spread the sweater or cardigan over it and cover it with another dry towel. Leave it for about two or three days.

Website design By• Air dry: Then, lift it up and place it outside covered with a towel until it is completely dry.

Website design By BotEap.comThese steps will go a long way to helping you wash your winter clothes.

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