The secret to speed up your PC

Website design By BotEap.comLet’s cut to the chase, you want to speed up your PC, right? Who does not.

Website design By BotEap.comHere are five simple ways:

Website design By BotEap.com1. Take a look at how much system memory you have. Anything less than 4 gigs is considered low these days. The good news is that RAM is really cheap and so easy to install that you can do it yourself. I’m not going to write the tutorial here, but the gist of it is to just drop the stick into the empty slot (that’s what she said).

Website design By BotEap.comtwo. Disable all those annoying programs that start with your computer. This can be done by typing msconfig in the run command. There you can access the startup tab and disable all those frustrating programs that slow down your PC. This can make one of the most noticeable differences in PC speed, and it only takes a minute to do.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Free up some space on your hard drive. A hard drive that is full runs slower than a hard drive that is half full. Like a fat person, he runs slower than a skinny person. This is how the world turns. Free up some space on your hard drive and I guarantee you’ll notice an immediate improvement in your PC’s performance.

Website design By BotEap.comFour. Scan your PC for viruses and spyware. These little critters can really affect the speed of your computer, big time. AVG is a good free virus scanner that you can install. It’s also very lightweight, so it shouldn’t slow down your PC. You should always have an antivirus system running, especially if you browse the Internet. There are thousands of people out there trying to steal information from innocent people. Don’t let one of these people be you for leaving your PC unprotected.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Invest in a good registry cleaner. I cannot stress this point enough. One of the main causes of PC slowdown is a bloated registry. Registry cleaners scan your PC for corrupt, duplicate, and outdated registry keys and remove them. This will just make your computer run like superman. Okay, well, maybe not faster than a bullet, but you know what I mean.

Website design By BotEap.comFollow these five steps and you can put off buying a new computer for a long, long time. Take it from someone who is using a computer that is five years old and still works fine: the secret is maintenance.

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