A refreshed, clearer, and smoother complexion with chemical peels and dermabrasion skin treatments

Website design By BotEap.com Website design By BotEap.comWe all desire a flawless complexion and often resort to using foundation to cover up our skin’s true condition. Many of us have experienced some type of skin problem, and whether it is a blemish, pigmentation, sunburn, hormonal changes, or acne scars, these changes can sometimes make us feel self-conscious […]

Dry needling helps relieve chronic muscle tension

Website design By BotEap.com Website design By BotEap.comNot all muscle knots can be resolved by stretching. Knots involving the connective tissue surrounding muscles, called myofascia, require more intensive means to relax. “Trigger points” are areas of isolated spasm involving muscle and myofascial tissue. When muscles are chronically tight or injured, they can develop trigger points. There are […]