Kyphosis Treatment: It is true that people decline as they age, have you ever thought why?

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comOne of the causes of this decrease in height is thoracic kyphosis, also known as a rounded upper back. ThatIs it kyphosis? Kyphosis occurs when there is excessive curvature of the spine, eventually causing a humpy appearance in the upper back. Between 20 and 40% of older adults experience kyphosis. […]

Help: should charity start at home?

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comControversially, a petition signed by 100,000 people has called for a reallocation of the UK’s foreign aid budget to help compensate British flood victims and improve flood defenses. The £ 11bn annual budget aims to alleviate poverty and help crisis-affected areas around the world. Similarly, complaining voices in the right-wing […]

Saying no and setting limits: understanding the three-strike process, you’re out

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comTo be effective, limits must do three things: define your expectations, clarify your definition of acceptable behavior, and explain the consequences of ignoring your limits. Without consequences, people never learn limits. Without limits, people never become mature adults who connect to themselves. Here’s a limit setting technique called Three Strokes, […]