4 Tips for Building a Loyal Team in Network Marketing

Website design By BotEap.comAttrition (people leaving) from your mlm business can be devastating. And attrition is at an all time high in network marketing. People jump from opportunity to opportunity looking for a “quick fix.” And when they don’t make it big, they get discouraged. Next thing you know, they get caught up in the hype of another business and are off to join “the next big thing.”

Website design By BotEap.comThe only way to have a true residual income in network marketing is to build a great team of leaders who are loyal to you and your opportunity. Here are four tips to help achieve this.

Website design By BotEap.combe a servant.Don’t blame your team for staying, but establish TRUST. When your new distributors are starting out, help them make phone calls. Help new people drive traffic to your business website. Now, don’t spoil them. But be sure to go out of your way for them.

Website design By BotEap.comThink back to when you were starting out in the business. Perhaps you were a little skeptical or distant. You weren’t sure if this whole “mlm” thing was going to work for you. How did your upline gain your trust? They did it by going to work FOR you. They helped him build his business… which brings me to my next point.

Website design By BotEap.comBe a personal mentor.Serving them in their business as well as their personal lives goes a long way. Help them gain the self-confidence they need to be successful. Help them learn the skills they need to grow a profitable business. Spend time with them, one on one. This personalized approach goes a long way. Your downline will have no excuse why they’re not making it. Give them all the tools and knowledge they need to get the job done. When you help them not only learn business skills, but also overcome the obstacles in their life, they will find great appreciation for your experience and training.

Website design By BotEap.comMake sure she understands that you are not her “mother” but a “good friend.” What I mean by this is that sometimes her downline will not agree with what she says. And they BOTH need to acknowledge that this is okay. A good friend is the person who doesn’t let her friend take the wrong path. Sometimes this can put stress on a relationship. If you are serving your downline, mentoring them personally, and they submit to your mentorship, they will understand that you have their best interest at heart. A group with this philosophy is a strong and loyal group.

Website design By BotEap.comMotivate your team.I was recently listening to a personal development CD. The author of the CD described how amateur coaches train their teams through logic. Professional coaches train their team through emotion.

Website design By BotEap.comLet’s be honest. If everyone joined and stayed in their business by LOGIC, we would all be millionaires by now. So why aren’t we? Because people don’t understand that there will be struggles and they must stick to actions that allow them to overcome those struggles. And the reason so many people don’t take that action is lack of motivation… (hint: about 80% or more of your team will go to all your company events and meetings, but won’t do much to help) . Actively GROW your business!)

Website design By BotEap.comPeople are motivated by two things and ONLY two things: to gain pleasure or to avoid pain. That is all. And which one is more motivating? Surprisingly for some, avoiding pain is MUCH more motivating. You may need to motivate your team by REMINDING them of what they will NOT get if they don’t build your business. You have to remind them of the economy, “retirement” and all the other crap sometimes. I’m not talking about depressing them. I’m talking about hitting your team DIRECTLY. Give them the truth. Remind them of their options.

Website design By BotEap.comLet them know it’s not about THEM. One of the most effective types of motivation is not through your PERSONAL pain, but the pain OTHERS will have if they do NOT build your business.

Website design By BotEap.comLet me give you an example. I was so broke when I started in this industry, my wife and I knew there was no way we were going to be able to afford a family and live in a good school district for our kids with the money we were making. I used to make a vision in my mind of the “future memories” I was going to have with my future children. I would think of trips to the beach, amusement parks, their first day of school, meeting them as they get off the school bus, watching them hit the game-winning home run in their softball game.

Website design By BotEap.comDo you see what just happened? You just saw those exact moments in your mind. Think of your future children in those memories. What color is his hair? What color are your eyes? What kind of clothes are they wearing? Imagine what their smiles are like. Imagine what their laughs will sound like. Stay with that image a moment longer.

Website design By BotEap.comNow… Think of all those moments that NEVER happened because you were “too busy” to build your business. You were “too busy” hanging out with friends, having happy hour, or watching TV. You failed. You didn’t put in the effort to get those results and now all those great memories are gone forever.

Website design By BotEap.comDo you see how powerful that vision is? It was that exact vision that took me from NO business to a MASS business. Using images like this can motivate your team for MONTHS, if not YEARS.

Website design By BotEap.comMake your team members profitable.Do you think your best employees would quit if they were making THOUSANDS every month? I do not think. What if your best employees only made a hundred dollars a month? First, if that’s the case, you may need to re-examine your company’s compensation plan. The next thing to think about is, “Did you do the first 3 steps above?” If you are doing those 3 things, you should have some profitable people on your team.

Website design By BotEap.comServe, guide and motivate your team to high profits and they will be loyal to you until the end of time.

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