A browser RPG in today’s world

Website design By BotEap.comWhat comes to mind when you think of a browser RPG? If you’re like most modern gamers, you most likely associate a browser RPG with a text-based game or maybe something with the graphics along the lines of pong. Is this what you think? Well, if so, I don’t blame you. I’ve played my share of browser games and let me tell you something; most look like something copied directly from an Atari system from 1980. Not that there’s anything wrong with Atari, I’m just saying… it’s 2011… put some effort into it please. Ok, now with that said; there are some really great titles out there, and if games like that can become the norm, then the browser RPG will have a comfortable seat in the gaming arena.

Website design By BotEap.comLet me point out a few things that I have noticed while browsing various browser MMORPG titles. For one; with ads from Google or the like sprinkled everywhere, the game won’t be able to compete with titles on more popular gaming platforms. Now, if it’s a free-to-play browser RPG, I can understand having an ad somewhere off the page, after all; Server bills are not free, trust me. I’ll even consider clicking one if the game is good. Go ahead, jump on the bandwagon and help these guys out. Good games deserve our help.

Website design By BotEap.comOk, not that text-based games are bad, I’m just saying that there are so many text-based browser RPGs compared to interactive graphics. I would really like to see more game developers take up the challenge of browser-based graphical interactive mmorpgs. With modern web technology, it doesn’t take a super genius to put one together, again trust me on that lol. I like text-based browser RPGs, but it frustrates me having to shuffle through them to find a decent one with graphics.

Website design By BotEap.comHow to play Even more important than the graphics is how the game plays. Is it confusing to accomplish what should be simple tasks? Is the game buggy and full of bugs? An unplayable browser RPG is obviously not fun. Rather than having to navigate through endless pages to accomplish goals, I’d like to see a browser RPG that takes it from console games and has a fast screen system of 2 pages (panel) or less. Not that there aren’t any console games that have screen navigation issues, but overall, especially when compared to browser games, they do just fine…good old Zelda.

Website design By BotEap.comI really want to see BRPG become a dominant force in the gaming industry. Their availability and the fact that many of them are totally free is really great. As a player and player of browser RPGs, we can help simply by making suggestions on the forums (hopefully they have one) of the games that have great potential. So many games have it so close minus some minor details. Let’s make the world a better place… well, at least for gamers.

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