Becoming an Egg Donor, Procedure and Reward

Website design By BotEap.comDeciding to become an egg donor for a family or couple in need can be a profoundly beneficial experience. Not everyone is blessed with the health and good fortune of being able to have their own child without reproductive assistance. Choosing to be an egg donor is one way a well-meaning woman can give the gift of life and family bonding to an expectant mother and her child. If this sounds like something she would like to do, the process of becoming an egg donor is well defined and rewarding.

Website design By BotEap.comHowever, taking the steps to become an egg donor should not be done without a fair amount of introspection. By donating an egg to a family in need, you take responsibility to your partner and yourself to protect the quality and health of your eggs until your part in the process is complete. You must keep appointments, live by healthy practices, and understand the full scope of the service you are providing. The following is a brief discussion of the egg donation process and in vitro fertilization.

Website design By BotEap.comFirst steps
The first steps in the egg donation process include visiting an adoption service or fertility doctor and making your intentions known. Your doctor will discuss the procedure and immediate steps with you in detail, and you will undergo a variety of medical and mental health tests and exams. The tests will include blood tests, a complete medical history, examination of the uterus, pelvis and ovaries, and a complete psychological evaluation. Any infectious disease could reject a potential donor. In addition, you will be subject to the same tests and laws as a donor even if you already know the recipient. If you are donating anonymously, you are matched with a recipient who is most similar to you.

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After all parties sign the various contracts and legal agreements, the doctor will put you (the egg donor) and the recipient on birth control pill regimens to align your cycles. This will usually take between a month and a month and a half. You will receive additional injections that will stop the normal function of the ovaries. Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) are given to facilitate the production of mature eggs in the ovaries. Tests and examinations of the donor are done quite frequently during this stage, even on a daily basis. You must make sure that you are prepared and committed to making each appointment, before starting the process.

Website design By BotEap.comFinally, when the doctor thinks the eggs are ready, he or she will give you and the recipient more than a day’s notice. In a simple outpatient procedure performed under heavy sedation, a small ultrasound-guided needle is used to collect mature eggs from the donor. The procedure only takes about half an hour, and after a couple of hours of rest in a recovery room, you can usually return to your normal activities the next day.

Website design By BotEap.comafter donation
As an egg donor, your part in the process is complete. The egg is fertilized in vitro (outside the recipient’s body) and implanted directly into the recipient’s uterus once a zygote forms. The recipient carries the zygote for 9 months, which eventually develops into a baby and is born naturally. The recipient is the father and retains the child, with all the legal protections associated with paternity.

Website design By BotEap.comThe reward for the donor is double: that of the altruistic act and the economic one. You’ve successfully helped a family conceive a child and bring into the world a life they couldn’t otherwise, and that’s a really good feeling you should be proud of. Many fertility services also offer financial compensation for the egg donor, as well as for the time and labor incurred.

Website design By BotEap.comThe whole process is laborious but rewarding. Becoming an egg donor and participating in building someone’s family is a wonderful experience. Check with a fertility or adoption service if you feel you’re up to the responsibility and reward of being an egg donor.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you are looking for someone to help you find or become an egg donor, call Gyemant Paris Law or visit their website at

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