Brachycephalic Dogs (Flat Faced Dogs) and Summer Safety Tips

Website design By BotEap.comBrachycephalic dogs (pronounced: bracky-seh-falic) are short-snouted or flat-faced dogs. Many of these are small breeds of dogs, commonly called lap dogalthough some are larger. The term “brachycephalic” comes from the Greek, “brachy” meaning short and “cephalic” meaning head. Of the dogs of this type the most common include:

  • pug,
  • boxers,
  • boston Terriers,
  • Yorkshire Terriers,
  • English and French bulldogs, and
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, among others.
Website design By BotEap.comThey are very popular breeds that are usually pampered by their owners. Many are recognized pedigree varieties. Like all dogs, these flat-faced dogs love to play and romp outside during the summer. However, summer is a time when owners need to be on the lookout for potential problems with these breeds. Intense heat and high humidity affect all dogs, but these weather conditions are especially difficult for all brachycephalic breeds.

Website design By BotEap.comThe problem is one of natural anatomy design. Brachycephalic dogs have an upper respiratory tract that is uncomfortable and downright obstructive. In fact, “obstructive” is the word most often used to describe peculiarly problematic airway anatomy. This physical feature is known as the “brachycephalic syndrome”, which provides a facial design that may be cute, but is otherwise an efficient design for breathing. As a result, a number of problems can occur as a result of extreme temperatures.

Website design By BotEap.comPanting is the way dogs cool off. It’s the way dogs regulate their body temperature. However, due to the anatomical design of their airways, brachycephalic dog breeds pant much less inefficiently than other breeds. Air doesn’t go in and out as easily or as quickly. That is why these breeds sometimes sound like they are out of breath for no reason. In addition to this, high humidity impedes their breathing process and can sometimes make their breathing very labored. To complicate this, there is a tendency for your airways to become easily inflamed and swollen under stressful conditions.

Website design By BotEap.comInterestingly, the flat-faced design encourages saliva to evaporate from the tongue faster than it otherwise would. This prevents the cooling effect that the tongue has on the blood that circulates through the tongue. This, in turn, makes the body’s cooling process much less efficient than in other breeds.

Website design By BotEap.comInefficient panting, airway sensitivity, and an ineffective cooling design mean that in hot weather conditions, the brachycephalic dog is especially vulnerable to rapid overheating. High humidity complicates this situation. Of all dog breeds, brachycephalic dogs are the most likely candidates for heat stroke, which is an especially dangerous problem.

Website design By BotEap.comSafety tips for the summer

Website design By BotEap.comYou should take special precautions for brachycephalic dogs in hot and humid climates. These include:

Website design By* Go for “walks” on cool mornings and evenings, avoid the midday sun.

Website design By* If you must keep your dog outside in hot weather, be sure to provide him with plenty of fresh water and a shady spot to rest, making sure the area is shaded throughout the day. This is very important.

Website design By*Of course, it is always best to keep brachycephalic breeds indoors with air conditioning during hot weather.

Website design By* Also, never leave any pets (or children) in a car on a hot or warm day. Temperatures inside a car can easily rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer sun. Even if the outside temperature is only 70 degrees, the interior of a car can cause heat stress and even heat stroke.

Website design By BotEap.comWhile a brachycephalic dog is a joy to own and particularly suitable for apartment living, these breeds have their own unique requirements. However, if you take a few precautions, you can easily avoid a potential hazard. But a small drawback is not a problem when it comes to the abundant personality and keen intelligence that make the flat-faced dog so especially desirable and beloved.

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