New House Industry: The Key to Job Creation and a Better Economy in Nigeria Part II

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comEvery Nigerian government since its independence in 1960 has professed its support for affordable housing, but none has done anything tangible in this all-important industry. A large number of Nigerians continue to live in substandard houses. The conditions of kitchens and bathrooms are obvious indicators of household standards, just as […]

My husband got an apartment without discussing it first. What does this mean for our separation?

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comMany wives are very surprised when they find themselves separated or living alone. While many knew that their marriage was struggling, many did not realize that her husband was looking for an alternative place to live. Most of the time, she didn’t even tell them that she was considering it, […]

Excuse me, are you visiting or have you moved? The nightmare of the freeloaders

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comThe shanty towns or squatter communities known as “Hooverville” during President Hoover’s tenure as President (or in the past, as my son would say) began to sprout up all over the United States due to the aftermath of the Great Depression. These heterogeneous “communities” were made up of people who […]