Chinese Wushu Self Defense or Acting Martial Art?

Website design By BotEap.comWushu is the official martial art taught in the People’s Republic of China. Wu Shu (“Arts of War”) is practiced by millions in China and is included as part of training for all police and military personnel. Although it is a form of Kung Fu that has been taught in China for centuries, it is a rigid system and has no attachment to any of the mystical beliefs of the past. The government is more concerned with the physical aspects of martial art and spiritual beliefs have been replaced by propaganda and political training which occupies much of the student’s training time. When a student is not participating in political training, they will participate in group and pair exercises, as well as weapon practice.

Website design By BotEap.comContemporary Wushu was created in 1949 as part of the communist government’s attempt to create a national sport, and although the people were more than happy with the martial arts styles they already had. All previous forms of Kung Fu were banned and even Shaolin monks were highly restricted. In recent years, the government has tried to get politics out of sports, but with limited success due to how repressive the government in general is. Tournaments have still been held since the early 1990s and the sport is played outside of China. The two forms of Wushu that are practiced are Taulo and Sanda, but neither is suitable for self-defense.

Website design By BotEap.comThe hand movements are called Ba Ji, the somersault movements are Di Tang and Tung Bi are full arm movements. The animal katas are called Xing Yi. Weapon kata for Wushu include a large number of different types of swords, the nine-section whip, three-section staves, spears, and other ancient Chinese weapons. The Central Committee for National Physical Culture must accredit all students and teachers who must embody the ideals of communism. At first glance, Wushu looks impressive with a plethora of moves and a large selection of weapons in its arsenal to choose from in battle. Art would seem to be a good option to study up to a closer examination. Despite all its sparkle, this form of Kung Fu lacks substance and will not hold up in real world conditions.

Website design By BotEap.comTaulo is considered a form of Kung Fu, but it is nothing like any of the effective martial arts forms of the past and is like gymnastics. It is a point-based system where points are awarded based on performances that can last from two to twenty minutes, and there is no contact. While traditional weapons such as swords, butterfly knives, and staves are used, they are lightweight versions and they and routines are useless in combat. The programs are divided into short arms, short arms, and long arms parts, but include jumps, cartwheels, and other impressive routines. This style of Kung Fu is completely useless when it comes to self defense, but it is a good form of entertainment.

Website design By BotEap.comSanshou or Sanda, the Chinese combat sport based on Chinese boxing, wrestling, and kickboxing. It was originally used by the military as a way to test martial arts, but it became a competitive sport in the early 1900s. Sanda is based on Lei tai martial arts fighting where competitors fought bare-handed or with weapons on a high platform. The fights would continue until death, injury or one of the competitors was thrown from the platform.

Website design By BotEap.comIn Sanda today, a competitor can still win a match by throwing his opponent out of the ring. Punches and grabs are allowed, and he is much more aggressive than Wushu, which he is often paired with at tournaments in China. The military has its own version of Sanda, but the sports version restricts a number of movements including elbow strikes, strangles, and joint locks. When competing internationally, Sanda practitioners have fought in many style versus style competitions against Muay Thai, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do fighters.

Website design By BotEap.comUnlike the Japanese art of Jujutsu, which is pragmatic, Wushu is more about looking good while performing the art. A typical student will do a lot of impressive jumps, cartwheels, and punches, but while doing so, he will be exposed to attack, because the art lacks any real defense. When dealing with an armed attacker, a Wushu student will be unprepared unless carrying a weapon (it is not very practical to carry a Chinese sword or spear with you on your morning commute).

Website design By BotEap.comIf a student of combative and melee self-defense were to meet a student of Wushu, the student of combative could take a few initial blows, but would quickly approach the student of Wushu and throw or grab them and take control of the fight. If the Wushu student was armed with any of his traditional weapons, he would find himself unarmed with his weapon in the hands of the fighter using practical self-defense techniques. In the end, Wushu is a performing art and at best a combat martial art that will only get you in trouble in a street fight. The art even has its critics among modern Kung Fu practitioners who say that the government has stripped away all tradition and practically art.

Website design By BotEap.comThis form of Kung Fu is a sport and should not be relied upon for self defense. It should also be noted that Colonel Fairbairn, who fought 600 fights without training during his time as a police officer in Shanghai, China, did an extensive study of many Chinese martial arts, including Kung Fu, which he did not incorporate into his many books on fighting and self-defense. Fairbairn would base his many books on his experiences and what he learned at the Kodokan while earning his black belt in Judo. The lesson is that winning the fight is more important than looking good and losing the fight.

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