Choosing the best self defense videos for YOU

Website design By BotEap.comThere are about seven billion self-defense videos, ebooks, and magazines available online. Most people seem to think that they are, in general, a waste of time. As with most things, most people are wrong. There are self-defense products that are illegitimate or ineffective, true, but for someone willing to do a little research, there are plenty of high-quality self-defense videos out there. And when the time comes, believe me when I say that you’ll be glad you invested in one.

Website design By BotEap.comCredentials

The first thing to look at when purchasing a self defense video is the credentials of the teacher. There are several unscrupulous people who claim military or martial arts backgrounds that simply don’t exist. Step One: Google your potential authority and make sure they are legitimate. There are several websites that specialize in spotting counterfeits and several more that rate these videos and DVDs. Even Amazon’s feedback system can give you an initial amount of information.

Website design By BotEap.comRealism

The second thing to look for is reasonable claims. Anyone who claims to turn you into a street fighter overnight or claims to teach you how to defend yourself against a knife with your bare hands is lying. Now, this requires a bit more caution, because some statements may be true even if they sound outrageous, but in general, if he doesn’t tell you up front you’re going to have to WORK at real self-defense. training, not real.

Website design By BotEap.comA second aspect of realism is the way the videos you are watching approach the concept of self defense. If your product teaches that fighting is the number one choice when it comes to protecting yourself, you’re looking at a testosterone-charged deathtrap, not a legit self-defense video. Self-defense starts with avoiding danger, moves to de-escalation, then escape, and only then is it based on violence. Granted, when violence comes, you have to know exactly what to do and not be afraid to do it, and any self-defense video worth watching will teach you that part in depth, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you’re offered. .

Website design By BotEap.compersonalization

Not all self defense videos are made for everyone. A four-foot-ten lady probably won’t benefit much from watching a Krav Maga video, and a six-foot-eight college basketball star really won’t learn much by watching a little Pencak Silat practitioner get inside an enemy’s gun. and pop it. The various videos require different levels of fitness, athleticism, focus, and investment. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before you start, and you’ll end up with what you need.

Website design By BotEap.comRemember: self-defense videos are an investment not only in your well-being, but also in your physical safety, so don’t accept anything less than what’s perfect for you.

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