Do great generals have visions?

Website design By BotEap.comMany military generals whose names grace the annals of history have something very unique in common: They believed in victory as almost a divine right, far beyond ego or arrogance, although they also had a good dose of that. Like many of the best athletes they believe they are going to win, almost to the point of psycho-cybernetics on steroids, they practically visualize their victories. So one has to wonder if achievement at the higher levels requires the kind of brain that can go there. Let’s talk.

Website design By BotEap.comYou see, we were having this dialogue in our think tank, it turns out that General Patton and George Washington had this personality quirk. So did Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and others. Now regarding George Washington’s ‘vision’ or divine inspiration, yes, I understand myself, but I also wonder if any of that is ‘seeing through time’ maybe something the mind is capable of. , or at least some minds are, those who are completely self-actualized, maybe not all. He had read that Alexander the Great and others had also talked about these things. General Patton believed that he had been reincarnated from a famous leader or warriors from the past.

Website design By BotEap.comI have seen victory in sports before competition and I have seen him play almost exactly the way I saw him, and I have even wondered if I am capable of sending information back to myself, in hindsight after so many successful predictions of the future. come to pass. Maybe it’s Maxwell Maltz’s psychocybernetic theory, or it’s just the way things work, maybe the human mind is an organic quantum device, maybe time doesn’t exist and yet we perceive that we are trapped in it, I refuse to be. Maybe it’s a choice, maybe that’s why I write about future concepts and science fiction, it’s hard to say.

Website design By BotEap.comIn fact, I really believe that nothing is impossible, even if I can’t prove it based on the Scientific Method, but is it what I suggest magic, or can it be explained if we remove the ‘dimension of time’ which is IF it really exists in everything – fun stuff , truth? I have also contemplated that maybe certain minds may want events to occur, because being non-religious and having that kind of thing happen to me over and over again, it seems like there is more to history than science or religion has to provide. . us.

Website design By BotEap.comSo I wonder if it’s just ‘possible’, which means that ‘impossible’ doesn’t exist, or if you believe it exists, which means you created your own impossibilities, limits, barriers, so it’s a choice. That theory would wreak havoc on perceived reality and lend itself nicely to alternate futures and universes, meaning time travel or removing that ‘time trap’ is surmountable, like hacking a computer simulation or de-digitizing. a Matrix VR game.

Website design By BotEap.comAnyway, I enjoy thinking here from time to time, but don’t lose sight of the ball in our timed reality either. It’s interesting how George Washington’s visions or speculation on them remain intriguing today. Was he crazy, brilliant, or human? Maybe we should look at his DNA from the remaining hair locket and reflect on this on a scientific level to show that it is silly or that there is actually something different there.

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