Establishing Your Divine Essence on Earth

Website design By BotEap.comWhat I know after all these years of receiving Reiki, that’s what I was looking for when I found Reiki, I just didn’t know it then. I missed my spiritual self, I knew it was there, but I didn’t know how to find it. At the time I was in advanced training for shamanism and between the two of us I had many experiences of healing from the veils that had covered my divine essence. I remember the day I was looking at William Rand’s website and saw the words “Helping you establish your divine presence on earth,” and how it caught my eye. I remember thinking that I really liked the words and the concept, but at the time, I probably didn’t know what they meant. Those words ended up leading me on a journey that has taught me what those words mean and how to establish my divine presence here on earth in a way that was true to me.

Website design By BotEap.comThe most unexpected is the “here on earth” part. I was under the misconception that when I remembered my spirit, I would have to be perfectly spiritual. My version of my ‘established divine presence on earth’ was that all my actions and daily life would look a certain way. It was part of my resistance to my spiritual practices. I wasn’t sure I wanted to live the kind of life I thought was required if it was to be my version of spiritual awareness. I instinctively set limitations for myself that prevented me from finding what I was looking for in case the requirements were too rigid. I didn’t want to live differently from what I was already living. I liked my life and was not up for drastic lifestyle changes. He was keeping oblivion in place.

Website design By BotEap.comReiki began to gently teach me as it always does (I always ask to be gentle!) and combined with my shamanic practices, I began to actively heal the beliefs and fears I had about awakening to my true self. To summarize a long process of coming to this understanding, I discovered that I am spirit no matter what. The Zen proverb “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water… after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water” now makes sense to me. I can be my spiritual self in my daily life. I can do everything I already do, have all my relationships, be just the way I am and at the same time I can know my spirit. My spirit is not different from me, or is only present when I act in a certain way, my spirit is always me, no matter how he acts or how I feel, or what he is doing. I can only be my divine presence on earth. It’s who I am.

Website design By“If you understand, things are as they are; if you don’t understand, things are as they are,” another Zen saying.

Website design By BotEap.comReiki Establishes your Divine Presence on Earth

Website design By BotEap.comReiki literally awakens our divine essence so that we can see our spirit behind the veils. Every time we activate Reiki, we activate our spirit. Reiki brings out our inner divine essence and gives it presence and voice. He cleanses the veils and removes old belief systems that cause forgetfulness. He heals the limitations to remember. And when we give Reiki to others, that is what he is doing to them as well. Every time we intentionally invite our spirit to awaken and stand out, we are further reminded of its presence. We allow our spirit to be active in our daily lives. We pay attention and focus on him and listen to his advice and guidance. We establish his presence.

Website design By BotEap.comReiki symbols are all unique aspects of the divine essence. When we are attuned to them, they naturally begin the healing process of great forgetfulness by awakening our true divine life force. Reiki symbols awaken the power of love, the divine mind and the divine heart. They connect us with the earth, and with the Great Being of the Universe that shines on us and is our friend, and they connect us with the place of purity, where everything is pure light, pure love, pure joy, truth, beauty, grace, gratitude and fullness, the place of our heart, the place of our spirit. The light of the earth and of God shines through our hearts and we remember that we are a treasure of this great radiant light.

Website design By BotEap.comWhat I love about Reiki is that it will awaken all of this within us just by inviting it. He will do this whether we are chopping wood, fetching water, washing dishes, watching TV, feeling sad or angry, or happy and playing. Whether we are praying and listening, or working hard and busy. Our divine presence is in our daily life. It is not in another place. It is in everything we are doing, in every moment. The difference is in the experience of ourselves. Most of us would prefer to feel happy and joyful, so we do the practices that help us to be in that state of mind, but not always. Sometimes life doesn’t feel happy and joyous, and what I have learned from Reiki is that even in those moments, we are all still divine spiritual beings.

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