Everything you wanted to know about eCommerce compliance

Website design By BotEap.comEcommerce fulfillment is the central part of your eCommerce sales chain that helps you deliver your products to customers. At its core, eCommerce fulfillment is a comprehensive process that involves activities from receiving orders to documenting, picking, packing, and ultimately shipping items through world-renowned third-party logistics. In a nutshell, at first, while most online retail houses were used to hold inventory while packing boxes in their workshop like a garage, etc., as they grow with millions of customers around the world, they consider outsource the fulfillment of your orders to third parties. logistics company or 3PL.

Website design By BotEap.comThe consistency and similarity of predictable and accurate order fulfillment is the key to success in keeping customers happy, earning positive reviews and multiplying the market. A well-planned and professionally managed eCommerce fulfillment not only saves you money and time, but also helps your online retail business project run smoothly with increased market reach. For this monumental project to be a success, working with a specialized eCommerce fulfillment service provider must be your first priority that helps keep your business dynamic and agile. Here we are going to discuss the four basic elements of the eCommerce compliance process:

Website design By BotEap.comreception

Website design By BotEap.comHaving inventory on hand is essential to fulfilling the orders that come through your retail business partner. Upon receiving the pallets, the items are documented, recorded in inventory, stored on shelves, and in other types of storage units. Because you’re equipped with a professional eCommerce fulfillment partner, maintaining inventory is essential to taking care of fulfilling your trusted partner’s orders.

Website design By BotEap.cominventory storage

Website design By BotEap.comInventory storage, which is widely known as warehousing, involves effective organization and storage of shipments, which must be done competently by your outsourced partner. To successfully run its largest online operation, the fulfillment point must have a full-scale storage arrangement that combines bins, racks, high-tech mobile shelving systems, and also pallets. Proper inventory storage is critical to keeping merchandise safe, secure, providing greater visibility into understanding what’s available in stock or fulfilling orders while they’re nearing completion. This helps maintain first-class integration between retail stores and their 3L partner.

Website design By BotEap.comprocessing order

Website design By BotEap.comAs orders continue to arrive, they must be processed at the same rate. This processing job involves 3 vital steps that include picking, packing, and preparing for shipment to customers. Each material packaged and ready for shipment must be included with a receipt that explains the warehouse location, the quantities, as well as instructions such as the type of packaging material used, including boxes, plastic bags, packing tape, bubble envelopes, plastic wrap, etc. of bubbles, or the use of personalized packaging that reaches final customers in good condition. Finally, shipping labels must be placed on the package.

Website design By BotEap.comShipment

Website design By BotEap.comImmediately after the order is processed and labeling is done, it should be shipped. This shipping process typically involves global courier companies such as UPS Store, DHL service or equivalent and once shipped, tracking information is sent to the retail store which can also be shared with customers so they can perform track your deliveries.

Website design By BotEap.comreturn processing

Website design By BotEap.comWhile a customer returns an order, they are sent directly to an eCommerce service provider’s fulfillment or retail point of sale where it needs to be evaluated. Depending on the reason for the return, the quality of the item, and the return policy of the retaining company, the item may be replenished as available inventory or scrapped due to failure.

Website design By BotEap.comePakShip is a fulfillment center located in Lexington, KY, offering order fulfillment services like pick, pack, ship, inventory management, warehousing, shopping cart integration, etc. To learn more, visit https://epakship.com/about/.

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