Fast ‘n Furious Cleaning – How to Get Housework Done Fast!

Website design By BotEap.comFew of us love housework, but most of us want to live in a home where we don’t have to fear contracting a contagious disease. So let’s find out how to clean faster, so we can spend time on the things that really matter to us!

Website design By BotEap.comPlan your meals

Website design By BotEap.comWhen you don’t know what to make for dinner ahead of time, you can end up with a lot of things to do, including running to the grocery store, at the last minute. And there is no worse place to be at 5:30 pm than to stand in line at a grocery store with three crying kids because you put on your spaghetti and realize you have no sauce. Try planning your meals for a week. If you want, you can bring your family together and let each of you choose a meal. This often increases the chances that they will eat it too!

Website design By BotEap.comSchedule tasks

Website design By BotEap.comOne of the problems people frequently have with housework is that they focus on the “visible” areas, such as the living room and kitchen, while other areas are rarely cleaned. Or they mop frequently, but forget to vacuum upstairs.

Website design By BotEap.comAnd then you find out that part of your house is out of control and it drives you crazy! If you only dust your bedroom every few months, even though your living room where the guests are is dusting twice a week, you can start sneezing all night!

Website design By BotEap.comMake a list of how often you want tasks done. Ideally, this can be done with your family and you can ask for their help. But for the tasks you have assigned to yourself, decide which ones need to be done daily, which ones weekly, which ones every two weeks, and which ones monthly. Then make a monthly schedule that you can check in as you do. You can download my own graphics through the link at the end of this article!

Website design By BotEap.comYou will find several advantages in this system. First of all, everything that needs to be done will be done. Your house will be well maintained, so your things will last longer. But you can actually end up doing less work. By doing housework on a schedule, you know that everything will be done in good time. Once you have finished today’s tasks, there is nothing else to do. You can stop without feeling guilty about relaxing or spending time on something else.

Website design By BotEap.comClean faster

Website design By BotEap.comOf course, another way to do the cleaning quickly is, well, do it quickly! Get on the beat. Here are some fast and furious suggestions:

Website design By BotEap.com1. Clean, upbeat and fast music.

2. Measure your time and see if you can beat your previous time.

3. Think of cleaning as exercise. Try to clean so fast that you literally sweat and run out of breath. That way, the cleanse will count as one of the 20 minute exercise periods that you are supposed to do each day.

Website design By BotEap.comSet specific goals

Website design By BotEap.comHas this happened to you? You decide to clean your bedroom, and in the process, find several things that really belong in the living room. You pick them up and go down the stairs, and you notice that your plants need watering. When you go to the kitchen to return the shower, you notice that the breakfast dishes are still in the sink. You do that and then you realize that you are late to pick up your kids from school. You rush out, frustrated that nothing is really clean.

Website design By BotEap.comI do this all the time. It’s like you have no attention span when it comes to ordering. After spending an hour, I will have a small part of each room in the house cleaned, but nothing is finished. It feels like I have nothing to show for everything I’ve done!

Website design By BotEap.comWhen assigning yourself a task, make sure you do it and only do it. If there are things that need to be moved to another room, make a pile, but do not take them there until you have finished the task in question. That way, you know that at least one room at the end of all your endeavors will be neat.

Website design By BotEap.comAnd isn’t that what we all want? We want comfortable houses, but we don’t want to spend all our time cleaning them. So let’s organize smart, clean smart, and clean fast, and you’ll have more time for the relationships that really matter!

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