Five tips for women to create a sexually stimulating environment

Website design By BotEap.comMany marital relationships become sexually stale over time and need external stimulation. This is not necessarily due to a lack of mutual love. It is more because of the pressures of life that a woman has to deal with work, children, church or volunteer work, extended family. It’s hard to juggle all of this and still be sexually alert. She doesn’t pay much attention to herself or her surroundings. However, every wife should always remember that she creates the atmosphere in the home. She is even more so, because of the sexual environment in which her relationship with her husband can thrive. What are the things that a woman can do to create this environment?


Website design By BotEap.comThe appearance of the home is very important for a good sex life. A messy house is very unattractive and can be bad for the fair sex. Going one step further, a house could be tidy and still feel like a boarding house, hospital, or office rather than a warm and cozy place a man wants to go. A home should be warm and welcoming, a haven in which love can thrive and sex can occur spontaneously. It is the woman who can establish this type of home. Creating the right environment goes a long way in the sexual equation between husband and wife. Most men don’t have the ability to create it, but they enjoy it when the wife has done it because they are stimulated by the things they see. That kind of environment allows things to happen naturally.

Website design By BotEap.comNot all women have a natural gift for creating this environment, but there are many resources available these days: magazines, books, the Internet. Any woman can be really creative with the color in the sheets, the walls of the room and the furniture. It doesn’t have to cost too much, if women put on their creative hats. However, a woman who prefers to get professional help should do so. It was worth every penny. Women should make an effort to have the best house that they can afford within their budget.

Website design By BotEap.comIt is difficult to maintain a welcoming home when the children are growing up. They can get very dirty and make it difficult to keep the house clean and smelling nice. For women living in Africa, the situation is even more difficult. They live with extended family and maids in addition to their children. They occupy all available spaces. They bring warmth out of any home. But women still need to try. Even if the entire house is taken, there remains the room called the Holy of Holies, intended for just husband and wife. Wives should be the ones to draw their husbands home by the environment they create using everything at their disposal: the beauty and fragrance of flowers, artwork, music, colors, and shadows. It will help both the man and the woman to relax, forget the crazy outside world and enjoy each other.

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Website design By BotEap.comThat men are turned on by what they see cannot be stressed enough. When a man gets married, he likes what he sees in his wife. However, after a few years, his wife is no longer the woman he married. All the pressures of his married status give her less time for his appearance. Then the children come and she begins to gain weight and her appearance suffers even more. Such a woman looks in the mirror a few years later and she feels bad because she is not happy with what she sees. As she drives down the road, she sees younger, prettier women with her flat stomachs and begins to wonder what happened to her. Magazines and television commercials do not make it easy for you to accept what has happened to you. Of course, right now, her sex life is almost non-existent. The fire went out with the third child. When was the last time her husband gave her a good look? When was the last time she actually paid you a compliment? When was the last time she told you that she was beautiful? When was the last time she had a good evening with him?

Website design By BotEap.comHer life has become a cycle of work, chores, children, husband, and the only thing that suffers is the woman’s body. She doesn’t have time for herself. Trying to meet her daily responsibilities, she doesn’t have time for regular visits to the salon. She can’t afford to buy nice things, so she flies to the store and picks up the first thing she can find to buy. Her wardrobe is dreamy and dull. However, every wife should remember that being and staying beautiful is paramount to a vibrant sex life. Not all women have to look like Naomi Campbell or Jennifer Lopez, but everyone should make an effort to take care of their bodies, to keep them beautiful and healthy. Husbands appreciate the efforts that their wives make.

Website design By BotEap.comThey should take the time to nourish their hair, skin, and nails. Most women go to bed with their makeup on, paying no attention to the damage that is being done to their skin. They do not follow any skin care routine to keep it young and vibrant.

Website design By BotEap.comShopping for clothes is supposed to be an exciting experience, not a quick detour to the stores. No woman will be able to get clothes that bring out the best in her body or accentuate her figure, without spending quality time in stores. To get the best value for money, a woman should set aside time to be able to shop for what is best for her.

Website design By BotEap.comSome women dress so drab when they are at home and only dress up when they go out. They wear very unflattering boubous (long African dresses) or t-shirts or oversized shirts and old jeans. Who are they dressing up for? They have forgotten how they used to wear their best clothes whenever their boyfriends came to see them. They have changed from women who wanted to impress men. After all they have seen it all.

Website design By BotEap.comHusbands leave the house every day and see all these pretty girls with their flat bellies and perfectly dressed and made up faces and then they come home to a wife with tousled hair in a boubou or old t-shirts and jeans. This is what many men have to deal with, wives no longer trying hard to attract them. It should not be like that.

Website design By BotEap.comMost women never get to enjoy the pleasure of shopping for underwear. They buy black and white bras. They do the same with their panties. Meanwhile, God took the trouble to create a beautiful array of colors between black and white: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet, the primary colors. Then in the middle we still have the peach, turquoise, mauve, navy, mustard, etc. Women need to be creative in the color spectrum of their underwear. It creates a lot of joy for husbands. Creativity is the watchword. It is important for women to change their overall appearance from time to time: hair, nails, clothes, underwear and everything else. It will make husband and wife look back and remember the good old days when it all began.

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Website design By BotEap.comA woman’s body odor is very important. Husbands must be able to describe the smell of their wives as attractive and sexy. However, smelling good requires quite a bit of effort. For starters, it costs money. It’s something women should work on all day, every day, especially in hot and humid weather. It is worth every penny one can pay. It starts with the soap or detergent with which they wash your clothes, up to their bathroom techniques and then the use of perfumes and deodorants. It is very important for women to smell good in order to attract the attention of their husbands. It is also essential to stimulate a good sexual life.


Website design By BotEap.comEvery time the subject of weight comes up, some woman will say, ‘here we go again.’ It is true that all women cannot be as skinny as those girls on the covers of magazines. It is also true that fat women are not a cursed species. However, if a woman was a size 12 when she got married, then she shouldn’t stray too far from there after marriage. It’s fair to try to keep it as close as possible to what the husband saw at first.

Website design By BotEap.comAside from the health implications of being overweight, it doesn’t do the relationship any good. She still wants to fill in as the guy who chased her around campus, but she can’t feel that way when she just doesn’t look like she used to. It’s hard to stay there, but women can stay close to him. It takes time, effort, and a lot of discipline to stay the same, but it’s well worth the effort. He’ll keep things going in the bedroom. There will be few dull moments because the husband is constantly stimulated by what he sees.

Website design By BotEap.comHusbands may see even more beautiful versions of the beautiful women they married. After all, when women get older and more sophisticated, with their weight properly controlled, they will look much better than when they were first married. Remember what they say about old wine. It tastes better as it gets older. This is how a woman is supposed to be: irresistible and even more attractive as she ages. As they start to lose weight the results will be amazing. Much more attention than they have received in a long time. Better sex too. It comes as a total package.


Website design By BotEap.comSometimes women become so ‘wives’ that their husbands no longer see them as friends and partners. Of course, in that kind of relationship, sex can never be interesting or hot. At best, it would be routine. Many married men feel that they are useful to their wives to the extent that they pay the bills and do what is necessary. But they don’t see them as their trusted friends. Every woman should make the effort to be the one her husband wants to talk about anything and everything. When a husband has a great relationship with his wife, making love becomes better. He is relaxed, he is himself and there are no false airs or hidden barriers. There is openness and unity. It can only improve the experience. Being his friend makes being his wife so much easier and is definitely a plus in stimulating the sexual experience.

Website design By BotEap.comAt the end of the day, home should be a place the husband really wants to return to. It should be warm, welcoming and friendly. It takes some work, but the benefits are worth it. Women should follow the example of the woman in Proverbs 7 who diligently searched for the man’s face and found it. She induced the man ‘I have made my bed with rugs and upholstery cushions, with frayed sheets of fine Egyptian linen. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. Come, let us be filled with love…’ The man bought the lines from him. He did his best to get an answer from the man. She went so far as to get linen from Egypt. In the same way women should prepare to seduce their husbands with everything they have. They will enjoy the rewards of sexual arousal that every married couple should enjoy.

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