formaldehyde in your home

Website design By BotEap.comFormaldehyde is a colorless gas compound (HCHO) that is known as a carcinogen, meaning it causes cancer. It is an allergen that can also irritate the eyes, mucous membranes (eyes, nose, and throat), and the upper respiratory system. It can also cause headaches, rashes, hives (blistering, white, and itchy), dizziness, nausea, and chronic fatigue. Some other symptoms include: heart palpitations, ear infections, trouble sleeping, memory loss, trouble concentrating, depression, weakness, migraines, abdominal pain, joint and muscle pain, and shortness of breath. Many doctors may misdiagnose this as a form of stress/anxiety/depression. However, you can understand why this is possible when you understand that formaldehyde is used in many products, including the manufacture of fertilizers, dyes, embalming fluid, preservatives, and disinfectants. Of course, antihistamines won’t work for you here, even if your sense of smell becomes overly sensitive. However, 1 in 5 people is sensitive to formaldehyde.

Website design By BotEap.comDetecting formaldehyde can be difficult, as it can appear under many different names. However, it’s important to read product labels and avoid not only formaldehyde itself, but also preservatives that release formaldehyde. One of the more common names for a formaldehyde-releasing preservative is Quaternium-15. However, there are also many other alternative names.

Website design By BotEap.comFormaldehyde can be found in hundreds of products, including cosmetics, paper, wood, and clothing. Just touching those products, or just breathing the formaldehyde they release into the air, can cause intense symptoms. Your best defense is to limit your exposure to this chemical.

Website design By BotEap.comYou should know that formaldehyde is used in most garments and textiles to prevent color bleeding, and finished products are often treated with more formaldehyde to prevent wrinkling. New clothing should be washed before wearing to remove some of the chemical. If you want to avoid formaldehyde entirely, you’ll need to switch to an all-cotton wardrobe. You should also realize that washing your clothes with Tide, Cheer, etc. it just adds more chemicals to your clothes.

Website design By BotEap.comNail polishes and nail hardeners often contain formaldehyde to improve shine and adhesion. Formaldehyde is released into the air as nails get wet or dry.

Website design By BotEap.comHere are some other products that formaldehyde is commonly found in: over-the-counter medicines, mouthwashes, hairsprays, cosmetics, cleaning products, perfumes, waxes, hair-setting lotions, shampoo, air fresheners, fungicides, nail polish nails, floor polishes, dry cleaning solvents, toothpaste, laundry spray starch, and antiperspirants, just to name a few.

Website design By BotEap.comNow here’s an interesting fact about formaldehyde… Due to increased toxic buildup in our bodies, including toxic buildup of formaldehyde, dead bodies don’t decompose as quickly as they used to. Bodies used to decompose in 4 days, but now they don’t start to decompose until at least 7 days after death. When talking about dead bodies, you should also keep in mind that twice as much formaldehyde was needed to embalm a person 20 years ago compared to today.

Website design By BotEap.comAs for Quaternium-15… This chemical is commonly found in a variety of cosmetics including: foundations, powders, concealers, bronzers, makeup removers, blushes, eye shadows, eyeliners, brow makeup, and mascaras (ie i.e. Avon® Advanced (Moisture ) Foundation Natural Finish Creme Powder and Max Factor® Quick Draw Magic Eyeliner Pen). Quaternium-15 is found in many cleansers, sunscreens (ie Banana Boat® Dark Tanning Lotion and Physicians Formula® Sun Shield Oil-Free), moisturizers, creams, lotions (ie U-Lactin® Lotion and Mary Kay® Angelfire Perfumed Body Lotion), shampoos (ie baby shampoos such as Johnson & Johnson® and Baby Magic®), soaps (ie Dove Beauty Bar) and other skin care products. It is also found in adhesives, paper, flip charts, inks, polishes, and latex paints.

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