From Commoner to Royalty: How Meghan Markle’s Rise Should Inspire All Women – Pt. 1

Website design By BotEap.comAfter watching yesterday’s royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, I reflect on the significance of what Ms. Markle’s (now Duchess of Sussex) ascension to the palace should inspire in young girls and other women. The wedding was nothing short of spectacular and the bride looked gorgeous. I smiled proudly as I watched her walk down the long hallway to find her prince waiting for her.

Website design By BotEap.comI ponder, how is it possible for a biracial, divorced, feminist, American woman from a dysfunctional family to become royalty and a global icon in two years? She had never even heard of Meghan Markle before she started dating Prince Harry (my favorite royal, by the way).

Website design By BotEap.comI believe that the new stage in the Duchess’s life is the fulfillment of a destiny that was masterfully orchestrated to bring it to fruition. I also understand that fate without active participation is just an illusion. The duchess did not know that she would one day become a member of the royal family, but her actions set the stage for her current position.

Website design By BotEap.comAs you and I reflect on the possibilities in our lives, whether professional, relational, financial, or spiritual, here are ten takeaways we can draw from Meghan’s story. In order not to make this post too long, I decided to share this content in two posts; with part 2 to follow next week. The numbers from 1 to 5 are as follows:

Website design By BotEap.com1. Anything is possible In 2014, two years before she met Prince Harry, Meghan wrote on her now-defunct lifestyle blog: “Little girls dream of being princesses. I, for one, was dedicated to She- Ra, the princess of power. Growing up women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and the endless conversation about Princess Kate.”

Website design By BotEap.comMeghan believed that she could become a princess from a young age. She’s not necessarily a British royalty, but a princess no less. Does his dream of her for the future seem ridiculous? No matter how far-fetched her dream may seem, let Meghan’s story be a reminder that anything is possible.

Website design By BotEap.com2. It’s Not Too Late Meghan’s first marriage ended in divorce after just two years. Five years later she marries her Prince at the age of 36; She’s not middle-aged yet, but she’s not a young adult either. After a failed first marriage, one would think that her prospects of marrying a prince had probably faded. However, she emerged as an empowered and independent woman determined to move on with her life. Strengths and traits that she can pass on to other women and affect positive change within the monarch.

Website design By BotEap.comYou may have strayed along the way and feel like it’s too late to get back on track or that you have to settle for less than the best. Is not true. Regardless of what has happened in your past, grow from it and keep moving forward. 3. Not everyone will hug you When Meghan and Harry’s relationship became public, the news was not well received by everyone. In fact, it exposed an undercurrent of racism that had to be addressed directly by the monarch. This would not have come as a surprise to Meghan because she had witnessed firsthand her mother being called the ‘N’ word and how people mistakenly assumed her mother was her babysitter during her childhood. she. Meghan also explained how being biracial had kept her from certain acting roles.

Website design By BotEap.comAs you climb your journey, like Meghan, don’t be surprised if some misunderstand you and others outright hate you. He just doesn’t let it hold you back, but let it motivate you to make the change.

Website design By BotEap.com4. Distance yourself from unproductive relationships By the time Meghan met Prince Harry, she had cut ties with some members of her family. After witnessing her half-siblings’ tumultuous speech during her courtship and engagement, one can understand why this move would have been in Meghan’s best interest.

Website design By BotEap.comNot everyone can go with you as you ascend to new levels. Look at your life and identify the people you must leave at the foot of the mountain. It can be a difficult decision to make, but necessary for a season in your life or permanently.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Adjust to your new normal As a single American woman, Meghan was independent and free to express herself on her own terms. Marrying into the British monarchy would require that you conform to royal protocol. There was an established hierarchy, a dress code and behavior to match. We saw some of these adjustments on Meghan’s part during her engagement to the Prince. She is finished with the necklines and the attractiveness above the knee, without autographs, without social networks, without voting, without more acting, without bare legs in public, without traveling alone. Meghan had to be coached on the do’s and don’ts of British royalty. Meghan does not see these changes as restrictions, but rather she accepts them as a new chapter in her life.

Website design By BotEap.comYou must be willing to shed some old mindsets and rituals while adopting new ideas and standards along the way. Don’t become so rigid in your traditions that you fail at the next level. Like Meghan, accept it all as a fresh new normal.

Website design By… will continue next week.

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