Frozen embryo transfer

Website design By BotEap.comIf you have ever thought about using embryo transfer due to infertility problems, you may be interested in the fact that leftover embryos that are not needed in the In Vitro Fertilization treatment can be frozen. Just so that if you need to undergo IVF treatment again, you’ll have the embryos there, ready and waiting for you. These spare embryos will be cryogenically frozen, which means they can be frozen for up to ten years without any problem.

Website design By BotEap.comFrozen embryo transfer is a relatively non-invasive treatment. The frozen embryo is first thawed and then implanted in the uterus. Depending on what your fertility issues are, this simple treatment may help. If your problems are based on ovulation or your ovaries, simply placing the embryo inside your uterus can help you get pregnant. If your problems are more womb-based, like not being able to carry a baby to term or any other type of disorder, FET may not be able to help. You will need to talk to your infertility specialist and find out what kind of treatment you think would be right for your problems.

Website design By BotEap.comIt can be very worrying for some people what will happen to the extra embryos left over from IVF treatment. Finding out what happens during the FET Process can calm any of your concerns and educate you at the same time.

Website design By BotEap.comDuring IVF treatment, the woman will donate the necessary eggs and the man will donate the sperm. After this, the sperm and egg will be combined in a laboratory, under special circumstances, and as many eggs as possible will be fertilized. The embryos produced will then be monitored to see which are the most viable. Next, the embryos that develop normally will be selected, since these are the ones that will be implanted in the uterus with the greatest normality. You will need to talk to your doctor about how many embryos you would like to implant, implanting just one will not guarantee pregnancy, in fact pregnancy cannot be guaranteed, but obviously if you try to implant more than one you will have more than one chance of pregnancy. But remember, if they decide to implant in the uterus, a multiple birth will occur. After IVF treatment, you will see how many embryos will be cryogenically preserved.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen the most usable embryos have been chosen, they are placed in test tubes. To keep the embryo safe during the freezing procedure, a cryoprotectant will be added to the tube to prevent ice crystals from forming inside the embryo. The embryo and tube are then stored inside a special freezer, which is cooled with liquid nitrogen and then lowered very slowly to -196 degrees Celsius.

Website design By BotEap.comWhenever you want to use your frozen embryos, usually the day before they are scheduled for transfer, they will be thawed at room temperature. Any residual cryoprotectant will be rinsed off and then slowly brought to body temperature and placed in a safe solution.

Website design By BotEap.comThe embryos will transfer very easily through your cervix and directly into your uterus. This will be done through a catheter. This is only slightly uncomfortable for the mother, during and after the procedure she may also experience a bit of cramping, but nothing too terrible. After all, you’re looking forward to bringing another human being into the world, it will hurt a little, but isn’t it worth a little discomfort?

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