Ghost Hunting – Ghosts – To provoke or not to provoke – That is the Question

Website design By BotEap.comYou can catch more flies using honey than vinegar, a wise man once said.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen it comes to paranormal investigation, one forgets this adage and often goes straight for vinegar. This truism is most apparent when an investigation of a supposed “haunted” place becomes static and one chooses to appeal to the spirit by outright antagonizing it! The goal here is clearly to cause the entity to attack the investigator, or at least cause some good raucous footage for the camcorder, or maybe a good EVP. However, one must weigh the options when choosing this route, and while it may seem anecdotal that this produces results, the reverse may not be the case. A normal ghost, if there is one, is a human spirit that resides in a specific location for whatever reason. Now go back to the word Human; Humans on earth or on the spiritual plane do not like to insult antagonists or instigators. On the contrary, they will do their best to avoid these people with all their might. This can’t be less true in the spirit realm, although your mocking and condescending insults seem likely to produce results (especially in demonic cases, but that’s another story), I often feel this has the opposite effect.

Website design By BotEap.comI can, of course, only refer to my own first-hand experiences, where the “provocation” tactics that have been administered produced little result. I’ve seen surveys by other researchers who are evenly split on invoking what some call the “JERK” option and the results seem to be split on its implementation. Of course, it’s up to the individual investigator or group whether or not to use provocation when time is a factor, and the spirit seems to be about as interested in you as a supermodel is in dating a Star Trek congressman.

Website design By BotEap.comIf this were a scientific experiment, I feel like the results would be labeled inconclusive. For my part, I approach each investigation with a healthy measure of skepticism, and I am always eager to experience the phenomena. Now, that does not mean that I try to be the entity’s BFF (Best Friend Forever), but I do show empathy and respect, as I hope to do with any human being.

Website design By BotEap.comIn summary, if your thing is to provoke, do it, involve the spirit, make it “get you”. As for me, I will speak to any alleged spirit (short of a malevolent one) with a level of respect and courtesy that we should all demand. That, so far, has produced better results. I firmly believe that “to tango you need two” and who wants a rude dance partner.

If a case is static, after giving the proper time level, it may simply not be meant to be.

Website design By BotEap.comPerhaps if the spirit doesn’t want to “dance” with you, you should put the ego aside and leave it in the hands of another investigator. Don’t force yourself into the phenomena (if they exist) which will be further explored in a future article titled Don’t force activity.

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