How easy is it to steal your credential? It is not so difficult!

Website design By BotEap.comIt seems that a lot of people think they must be an influential/important target to get hacked or they just aren’t aware of how simple it is for a hacker to hijack your credentials. But it is much easier and happens more often than you think.

Website design By BotEap.comMass robbery: According to various studies, most people around the world use the exact same login credentials for all of their online accounts. Hackers typically run various custom build programs that store user credentials stolen from the dark web or other sources. You absolutely do not want to be on that list. And, in case you were using the same login credentials, now you’re doomed! I can understand that using a different password can be hard to remember and so you may be practicing the good old fashioned technique of writing the passwords down in a notepad, well here goes the “purpose of having different types of passwords!” password in the first hand”! Don’t worry if you’re following the practices listed above. If you’re not comfortable using a different type of passphrase, the HyperFIDO U2F Token can defend you from those types of attacks or issues while ensuring you don’t need to memorize or create a complex sequence of digits and symbols just to keep your accounts secure. .

Website design By BotEap.comPublic Wi-Fi: WIFI is everywhere. From the international airport to your dentist’s office. It is quite possible that instead of talking to someone like the old 80s, you will try to socialize with the help of the Internet! Now, you’ve turned on WIFI and logged in to your favorite social networking site, and there goes your secret password to the dark side! How? To intercept a username or password, you don’t have to be a good hacker. It is one of the easiest ways to steal someone’s credential. Anyone with administrator access to the WIFI router can effortlessly analyze incoming or outgoing data through tools like Wireshark. Once you are logged in, these tools can notify the administrator and then the person on the other side can intercept your username password and can download the file to your local drive for future use. Once disconnected from wifi, he/she will parse your outgoing urls. Perhaps you ordered something from Amazon and paid with your credit or debit card? Well, prepare to be robbed now! The public WIFI maintainer can even blackmail you. Yes, you read it right. They can intercept your outgoing texts, documents or images, so if you have sent something very private to your friend or business colleague, they can use those files to make money from you. So be careful with the public hotspot, you never know who is on the other end. Although I can give you a solution. It doesn’t matter if you are using Android, IOS, Windows or other type of operating system, when you are connected to a hotspot, use VPN apps, most of them are free and will encrypt the traffic so no one can peek inside. your private data.

Website design By BotEap.comIdentity fraud: This attack has gained immense popularity in the hacker world today. And every day they are more and more sophisticated. Let’s say you received a link in an email or text that says Amazon or Walmart is offering a deal you can’t refuse. See what I did there! Well, to get the offer, you hurried and simply clicked on the link that redirected you to a website similar to the original provider. You selected the products and during the payment, you used your debit/credit card or Internet banking. Boom! They have your information. So always be careful what website you are getting into. Make sure the website link matches the original website link. Never believe your eyes. Before you order something or make a payment over the Internet, check the URLs. It’s for your own safety.

Website design By BotEap.comMany more types of attacks remain to be discussed. And I will continue talking about them in my next articles. Until then, stay alert and stay safe.

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