How to care for betta fish

Website design By BotEap.comBetta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they beautiful with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” underwater. Although they have a great personality, they tend to be aggressive towards other bettas (both male and female), which is why they often live in solitude. In some cases, they may be suitable for tankmates. Still, the success of this situation mainly depends on the betta’s temperament, tank size, and other factors as well. If you are interested in becoming a betta fish breeder and often ask how to care for betta fish, there are certain things you need to know to extend the life of your fish and keep it healthy and happy. So, here is your guide on how to care for betta fish:

Website design By BotEap.comHow to take care of Betta: set up your tank correctly

Website design By BotEap.comIf you really want to successfully care for a betta, you need to take some time to set up your betta’s aquarium. For example, your fish needs a lot of room to move. For this, you will need at least a 3 gallon fish tank, preferably larger. Whichever tank you choose, it should have a filter and an adjustable heater. Be sure to choose one based on the exact size of your tank so your fish don’t overheat. The recommended temperature for bettas is 78 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Website design By• Be sure to properly cycle your new tank so your aquarium will have a healthy filtration system whose job it is to establish a colony of healthy bacteria that removes toxic waste. Cycling your tank ensures that your fish stay healthy.

Website design By• Use chlorine-free water and do a 25% water change weekly and a complete water change once a month. During the total water change, you will need to remove the fish and clean out any gravel, sand or substrate with a siphon.

Website design By• Choose the proper location for your aquarium. Your fish tank should be kept in an area where your fish are not isolated and can interact with you. Bettas are highly intelligent and seem to recognize their pet owners. When choosing a location for your tank, make sure it is free of cold drafts or excessive heat. For example, you should never place your tank near a window or too close to a radiator, as your fish can get too hot or too cold. Also, direct sunlight can cause an algae overgrowth problem. Of course, if you have an algae-eating tankmate for your betta, then this won’t be a problem, and you’ll probably want some algae growth to feed your algae eater.

Website design By• Place your betta’s tank on a flat, stable surface that will not shift from its position. You may even want to keep your fish on your desk or a table against the wall. Either way, find a spot that isn’t easily pushed around.

Website design By BotEap.comHow to care for Betta fish: choose a safe decoration for the tank

Website design By BotEap.comProvide adequate and safe decoration. Sometimes your fish may prefer to hide. So you need to provide a large variety of silk or live plants. You can also offer caves and other hiding places. Whatever decoration you choose, make sure it is safe for delicate purposes. One way to test this is to run a pair of pantyhose over the topper, and if it tears the pantyhose, it’s too rough for your fish.

Website design By BotEap.comHow To Care For Betta Fish – Implement Proper Feeding Strategies

Website design By BotEap.comBettas tend to overeat, and this can cause weight gain, constipation, blockage, bloating, and even death. Therefore, it is essential that you do the following:

Website design By• Give your betta the right amount of food: Your betta should only eat as much food as its eyeball. That is, 3-4 pellets or 1-2 words of blood are usually enough. You should also feed your fish one or two pellets or live foods at a time. This will ensure that he eats it and that too much food doesn’t go to the bottom of the tank before he can grab it. If you don’t consume the given food within 5 minutes, take it out so you don’t contaminate the water in your tank.

Website design By BotEap.comFeed your betta regularly: Feed your fish every day. Some people skip a day and most feed small amounts twice a day. If you need to go on vacation, stay away from weekend feeders, as they can contaminate the water and cause bacterial growth and fin rot. Instead, have someone you trust come over and feed your fish every day or two. Make sure they don’t overfeed your fish while you’re away.

Website design By• Vary Your Betta’s Food Choicess: Just like you, bettas don’t like to eat the same type of food every day. Therefore, you must offer a variety of foods to make it enjoyable. Some great options are premium pellets or frozen flakes. live or dried bloodworms, fruit fly larvae or wingless fruit flies, and brine shrimp.

Website design By BotEap.comIn conclusion, hopefully you can stop looking for how to care for betta fish and go out and get one, either by adopting or buying one. However, to keep your fish healthy and happy, you should follow the tips mentioned above. Good luck with your new scaly betta fish friend.

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