How to connect with your spirit guides, angels or higher self

Website design By BotEap.comHave you heard people talk about their “guides” and wondered if you, too, could contact a higher consciousness? It is easier than you think! There are many ways to name the loving, wise, compassionate beings or forces that work with us. Some people resonate with traditional religious terms like God, angels, gold archangels. Some prefer non-religious language like the universe, Source, All-That-Is. Some are comfortable with the language of shamanism: spirit guides, helping spirits, power animals. Some coin their own terms, such as Beings of Wisdom gold wise one. Some use terms like Higher Self, inner teacher, guide, or guide. Some are more comfortable with the simple phrase I bigger. Personally, I like all of these terms, although none of them seem exactly correct or complete to me. Language is shorthand; it cannot fully encompass reality, but it gives us ways to point to it. So, to keep things simple, I most often use the terms “guide” and “inner teacher.”

Website design By BotEap.comRegardless of how you understand and experience this level of guidance, it is available to support and help you. The most important ingredients in establishing a connection are your willpower and you intention. If you are willing to make contact with a wise and completely compassionate aspect of yourself or consciousness, and you set the intention to do so, it will happen.

Website design By BotEap.comNo particular process or ritual is required; Our guides are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and do not only visits to homes, but also to offices, roads, airplanes and mountain tops. Wherever we are, they are there too. However, since most of us are in the habit of paying much more attention to physical reality than non-physical, a ritual can help us transition from what shamans call “ordinary reality” – the normal human level. consciousness- the state of consciousness in which we are able to hear, feel, see, or perceive the non-physical realm. The more often you connect with your guides, the easier and faster this process will be.

Website design By BotEap.comTips for Connecting with Higher Consciousness Guidance

Website design By BotEap.com1. First, choose a particular place where you will physically sit (or stand, lie down, or dance) whenever you want to start a conversation with the inner teachers. If your venue is indoors, you may want to clear any clutter in that space and then intentionally decide what you want to put there. A tablecloth of some kind, whether on a table or the floor, can help define the space; in it you can place any object that has meaning to you, or that seems sacred or beautiful to you. Many people like to use a candle, incense, sage, or perhaps a small vase with a cut flower or two from their garden. Some like to create more formal altars, on which they place many objects that have personal and spiritual meaning to them; others prefer to keep it simple.

Website design By BotEap.com2. Then take the time to be in this place, with your lit candle or your objects, if you have chosen to put any there, for at least a few minutes each day. It may take a week or even several weeks of daily return to this inner space of stillness before you can feel the presence of an inner teacher. In the meantime, you can take the opportunity to deepen your sense of contact with yourself, which is, of course, part of the same process.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Remember that this is not a chore or an obligation, nor a task that you can succeed or fail at. No one will rate or evaluate your efforts or experiences, with the possible exception of you! If you feel like your critical mind might be inhibiting you, see if you can get their cooperation instead. It may help to develop a mission statement for yourself and repeat it often; you can even incorporate the critical part of your mind into that statement. Here’s an example:

Website design By “I intend to connect with my higher self, or sources of wise and compassionate guidance, and I invite all parts of my being to participate in this process. If any part of me is unfamiliar with the energies of opening and compassion, I invite you to learn about those energies through this process and ask you to let go of any fear or judgment that may get in the way, as I know I already have guides, even though I haven’t met them yet, as well. I ask my guides to help me create a smooth and clear inner path to make contact with them.

Website design By BotEap.com4. If, in the process of trying to connect with guidance, you encounter an inner voice that seems intent on preventing you from making the connection, see if you can talk to it or feel it to get more information about it. He’s scared? If so, what scares you about the idea of ​​connecting with a higher consciousness? It may be able to help allay your fears. But if your fear is too strong or if it is hostile, for example, if it claims that you do not have guides or that you do not deserve to connect with them, then you may need to seek the help of a human practitioner. There are many people who can help you with this, so don’t worry and don’t give up! Everyone can access a higher consciousness. It may just need a little healing or cleanup work to get you ready.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Remember that you are seeking to connect with inner teachers or guides who have a “higher consciousness” energy field, in other words, beings who are completely wise and compassionate, and who have no requirements, needs, or agendas. You are not issuing a blanket invitation to any and all non-physical beings! This is not like playing with a Ouija board, which, by the way, is not a good idea at all. You are unlikely to seek deep healing or guidance from a random stranger in the physical world, and it makes no more sense to do so in the non-physical world. The way to ensure that any being you contact has only your highest good as their only intention is to simply have that intention clear and be very specific in your invitation. Intention is an extremely powerful tool.

Website design By BotEap.com6. It is useful to remember that counseling can take many forms. Some people like to start by quieting their minds, writing a question, and then writing whatever comes to mind as an answer. The book Writing your soul: how to activate and listen to the extraordinary inner voiceby Janet Conner, offers a detailed and inspiring description of the author’s work with this method.

Website design By BotEap.comHowever, some people prefer to just listen inside, instead of writing. Some like complete quiet; others prefer to listen to music. Some like to sit; some prefer to lie down, stand up, dance, or use yoga poses. Some like to connect with their guides while lying in bed or sitting at the kitchen table; others prefer to be outside, perhaps under a tree or by a flowing stream. If it’s cold outside or if you live in a city, you can simply imagine yourself by a tree or a stream.

Website design By BotEap.com6. It is usually best to connect to guidance with a specific question or intent in mind. This helps focus your mind and also lets your guides know how they can best assist you. If you haven’t met your guides yet, your intention might be something like this:

Website design By “I purpose, desire, choose and decide to meet my guides now. I invite them to take any form that allows me to perceive them, and I ask for your help to allow me to recognize and interact with them.”

Website design By BotEap.com7. Remember that, as a human being, you have free will, and you will continue to have it, even after developing relationships with inner teachers. A higher conscious guide will never insist that you do anything, stop you from doing anything, or get angry or offended if you don’t follow his advice. If you feel a presence or hear a demanding, harsh, or critical voice, it is not guidance from higher consciousness. Reaffirm your intention to only contact beings who are completely compassionate, who have only your highest good as their only intention.

Website design By BotEap.comRemember: we are surrounded and filled with a field of higher consciousness that is pure love, wisdom and compassion. You have the absolute right and inherent ability to connect with beings in this field of consciousness, as it is, in fact, you on another level of being. They will welcome the opportunity to guide and support you. They have no agenda of their own and will not require anything from you.

Website design By BotEap.comThis might be starting to sound like an infomercial. “Wise inner guides are waiting for you! Call now!” But in fact, it’s really true: they are and you can.

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