Parents: Beware the ADHD Trap!

Website design By BotEap.comEffective communication to try to understand what it all means, and even if it is relevant, is one of the biggest problems parents face when their child is considered to be a prime candidate for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). ). Faced with a child who is a little troublesome, it’s easy for parents on the brink of sanity to succumb to a medication program to turn things around. But by doing so, they run the real risk of labeling their child with a stigmatizing label for life. This hard-hitting article makes it all simple with a real-life story that will give you pause for thought before rushing into something you might regret. Unfortunately, effectiveness is often lacking when we desperately need clarification and help. A simple story that we can relate to is not only the secret to better understanding, but also helps us get our message across.

Website design By BotEap.comOne of the main things we have to consider first is that it is often well-meaning people and people very close to us who offer the possibility of ADHD. Why? Because nowadays it is in the forefront of everyone’s mind when a child is a bit rebellious and difficult to handle.

Website design By BotEap.comA debilitating way of thinking. When I was a kid, my son *Tom was a real live wire and was into everything. He had to watch him all the time. When he was in first grade, the lead teacher shared with us her concerns about Tom’s exuberance and inattentiveness. She genuinely believed that he displayed the symptoms of ADHD, which was all the rage at the time. Any child who did not fit the behavioral mold of the time was quickly diagnosed and put on a ‘soothing’ drug regimen to calm them down. Some of these children stayed on these medications for years. Worse yet, they were labeled as kids with a problem and used this label for decades. And this debilitating way of thinking was unknowingly perpetuated by the continual mention of his ADHD condition by teachers, his classmates, friends and family.

Website design By BotEap.comThe teacher strongly suggested that this professional help was what Tom urgently needed; but my wife and I were not so sure.

Website design By BotEap.comAn enthusiastic boy, always on the go. As I reflected on the situation, I remembered that when I was a little boy, I too had been full of beans and everything, just like Tom, but he turned out to be a well-balanced person who could make me nice and fit in. So as far as we’re concerned, there was nothing wrong with Tom. He was just a normal little boy who was always on the go and needed to be kept busy. We certainly didn’t want to label him for life with a stigmatic label of ADHD! So my wife and I made a pact that we would handle the situation ourselves by taking care of him like any loving parent would.

Website design By BotEap.comOver the years, we’ve put in the time and effort to keep you busy with your basketball, the leisure center, your guitar lessons, and whatever other interests took your fancy. But the key element of this pact was never mention any of this in front of your siblings or anyone else. We wanted him to grow up, with our guidance, without feeling different from those around him. And guess what? He has grown into a normal, well-balanced young man who gets along with people, loves sports, and is currently studying science at university.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen Tom was 19 years old, he somehow found out about this ADHD dilemma that his mom and dad had to deal with all those years ago. One day he said to me in the kitchen, “Hey Dad, I’ll be eternally grateful to you and Mom for not labeling me as an ADHD kid because I would have had to wear that my whole life.” These words took me completely by surprise because I didn’t know he was aware of this… All I could think about was the untold damage that could have been done to his self-esteem if we had followed the teacher’s advice and gone down . the path of ADHD. The sincerity of his words touched me deeply.

Website design By BotEap.comSo even if you have a child who is a real problem, beware of jumping headlong into the ADHD trap when there’s a good chance you don’t need to go down that path at all. Instead, spend that extra time and effort keeping your precious child engaged and engaged. In a short time you will discover that your excess of exuberance and his “troublesome” behavior will be spent in these positive activities and, like Tom, they will simply cease to be so.

Website design By BotEap.comFinally, sharing overwhelming situations like this is necessary to lighten the load on others, but if you want to convey complex ideas effectively the first time, take them to a human level with stories that people can relate to.

Website design By*Not his real name

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