Personal transformation through Reiki: Welcome to Reiki

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Website design By BotEap.comWhat is Reiki? What do you mean by universal energy? Can it be measured? You can try it? You could read a hundred books on Reiki and still not know, still not understand, and still not believe in it. On the other hand, after a few minutes of receiving the Reiki healing, you will know that Reiki is warm, comforting, and healing. The Reiki test is when you experience the energy in your body and mind. The measure of Reiki is how widely you are willing to open your mind and how brave you are to make the changes that Reiki facilitates. But maybe you don’t believe me…

Website design By BotEap.comWhat is Reiki?

Website design By BotEap.comReiki is natural energy that is present throughout the universe. Through attunement and training, you can focus this energy for many purposes, including spiritual growth and healing. Reiki balances the emotional and intellectual aspects of your being. Harmonize spiritual energies with your physical being. Reiki harmonizes all the elements of your being and, furthermore, harmonizes your entire being with the universe. It nourishes your understanding of the unity with the universe and helps you to perceive life holistically in all its dimensions and manifestations. Reiki is used to heal yourself; heal others; and connect with metaphysical spiritual energies through powerful initiation ceremonies.

Website design By BotEap.comHow does Reiki help?

Website design By BotEap.comReiki helps you become aware of spiritual reality by directly experiencing the warmth and vibration of high energy. Open your mental, spiritual and emotional channels to a deep spiritual insight. Reiki supports spiritual growth by providing deeper insight during meditation. It is used to heal spiritual problems, emotional blockages, and physical illnesses. No, you do not have to “believe” in Reiki, but please tune out any “disbelief” as this severely restricts understanding. I would like to challenge your perception of the world so that you can free yourself from any limiting beliefs. I encourage you to take a holistic perspective towards your personal and planetary health. I hope to inspire insights into the nature of reality and oneself through the practice of Reiki. Please open your heart and mind for the experience of a lifetime in contact with Reiki.

Website design By BotEap.comHow does Reiki work?

Website design By BotEap.comSo how does it work? Every student asks me this question and I always answer differently each time, even though the basic concept remains the same. Reiki works the same way EVERYTHING works, that is, according to the laws of nature. No, not the laws of science that we learned in school, but the laws of nature that transcend classical scientific theories. The truth is that the orthodox conceptions of human nature and of the human being are terribly reductionist and narrow. Through material empiricism, our species has somehow been reduced to atomistic electromechanical machines consisting of nothing more than elements and chemicals simmering inside our bodies. When we expand our awareness and deepen our awareness, the concept of Reiki becomes quite simple.

Website design By BotEap.comIs Reiki difficult to learn?

Website design By BotEap.comReiki is extremely simple to experience, but extremely difficult to explain. Sure, Reiki’s procedures, techniques, and history are straightforward and easy to understand, but the question of how Reiki works can be mysterious and beyond the comprehension of rational scientific thought. A powerful observation by Sir James Jeans in the 1920s explains that the universe is more like a great thought than a great machine. Over the past 80 years, physicists have shown this to be the case with one experiment after another. From this worldview, universal interconnectedness and the power of consciousness become exponentially more important: thoughts of healing a person bring healing; thought influences thought, and we are all thought, so we all influence everything! Presto!

Website design By BotEap.comAt what level does Reiki heal?

Website design By BotEap.comReiki heals on the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical levels of being by transforming blocked or negative patterns into positive, flowing energy. Remember, everything is energy: mass is energy. Fire is energy. Atoms and particles are energy. Healthy and unhealthy thoughts are energy. Love and hate are energy. The physical human body is an energy that vibrates at a low frequency. The conscious and spiritual aspects of humans vibrate at higher frequencies. The difference between these phenomena is the frequency of vibration. Saying that some realms don’t exist because we can’t see them is like saying that a high frequency beyond 20,000 Hertz doesn’t exist because we can’t hear it. Keep in mind that the human intellect is not the ultimate measure of the universe. Most likely, the human intellect is one of our biggest barriers to knowing the universe.

Website design By BotEap.comThought influences matter just as the mind influences the body. High frequency mental and spiritual energy may not be directly perceptible to our physical sense organs, but the effects of mental activity manifest in numerous physical conditions. Many ailments, such as headaches and ulcers, are a physical response to mental energies. Similarly, smiles and laughter are physical responses to positive emotional energy. When you understand yourself in this way, it makes sense that Reiki can stimulate physical improvements to your health. Reiki is a compassionate energy similar to the positive energy generated by meditation, love, or prayer that vibrates at higher frequencies, causing changes in the physical being. Studies have shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of crime. So, the influence of positive energy extends from oneself, to the community and to humanity as a whole.

Website design By BotEap.comHolistic Healing through Reiki

Website design By BotEap.comIt is not surprising that when a student comes for a Reiki healing after years of stomach problems, back pain or headaches, a Reiki treatment can help us realize that they were unconsciously holding negative energy such as fear, anger or the blame. Negativity gets locked up in the digestive organs, trapped in the muscles, or embedded in the brain, blocking the natural flow of energy. For most physical symptoms, people turn to chemical pharmaceuticals to relieve them. When the cause of a headache or ulcer is mental/emotional, all the drugs in the world will not cure it. Medications can provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but they rarely get to the root of the disease. Why has modern society reduced its concept of the human body to mere chemical equations? Why don’t we see ourselves as a whole and approach our health in terms of our total being? This is what Reiki and other holistic modes of healing aim to achieve. The amazing thing is that classical science perceives the world in terms of cause and effect because of the scientific method it applies, not because of the nature of reality! Similarly, the things we observe in a healing situation, whether allopathic or energetic, depend on our method of observation. When a chemist sets up an experiment, chemical reactions are observed. Conversely, when a Reiki healer arranges a healing, energetic responses are observed. So which one is real? Maybe nothing is real until you try it and experience it for yourself. This conception is consistent with postmodern notions of multiple truths and scientific notions of quantum physics.

Website design By BotEap.comReiki healers open their minds and hearts to channel healing energy. By placing hands on another student, Reiki is channeled through the consciousness to remove or transform harmful or blocked energies that cause disease. Reiki increases harmony with the universe, generating sensations of lightness, luminosity and compassion. Like Gena said when he received the first healing from him, I feel like he’s a spirit. I gently reminded her that she was, in fact, spirit. Reiki confirmed to him through a very concrete sensory experience of lightness and calm that humans are first and foremost spiritual beings.

Website design By BotEap.comThe next article in this series explores fundamental questions such as “Is Reiki a religion?” and “Is there research to prove the effects of Reiki?”

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