Seven lessons from the Xerox president!

Website design By BotEap.comI recently had the privilege of witnessing Ursula Burns, President of the Xerox Corporation, speaking to our intimate group of community and business people. The powerful aura surrounding Ms. Burns is undeniable. However, it is NOT just because she is the president of Xerox. During her speech, I tried to assess the reason for her forceful and powerful influence on the stage and the audience. I had these comments.

Website design By BotEap.comOf course, surely being the president of the Xerox Corporation is presence enough in itself. In the case of Mrs. Burns, this fact is doubled and even quadrupled because she is a woman, AND a woman of color! What struck me about Ms. Burns is the fact that even though she carries the weight of being a woman and a woman of color, she actually carries it with aplomb. *Note that she characterized her gender and her color as her weights, she did not, although she was outspoken in stating that those factors were part of her rise to the top!

Website design By BotEap.comYeah! Impressively, Xerox Corporation has a driving force for inclusion within its corporate structure! As Ms. Burns stated, and of course I am paraphrasing here, Xerox is aware that the small group of privileged white men who run the program do not and cannot reflect the world at large. A company that does not reflect the realities of the world through its workforce, management personnel, and other hierarchy, along with the diversified needs of its constituency, will essentially limp to its respective decline and eventual death.

Website design By BotEap.comThe driving force behind (and in front of) Mrs. Burns incredible success and presence was her authenticity! I believed! I wanted to believe him! ‘Authenticity’ is (or should be) the holy grail of what any speaker wants. ‘Credibility’ is the holy grail that speakers want from their respective audience! The authenticity of Ms. Burns, allowed me to buy into what she experienced, what she believed, and what corporations can be with visionary leaders running the show.

Website design By BotEap.comFrom what I observed from the president of the Xerox Corporation, I, as a speaker, can do the following:

Website design By Having confidence in what I have to say, which will lead to credibility, which will manifest as the authenticity that it is.

Website design By Know that what I say and how I say it will inspire someone or change the world!

Website design By Being who you are is more important than being ‘something’, ie the CHAIRMAN of Xerox. Which reminds me of this quote:

“How much care is lost when one decides not to be something but to be someone”. –Coco Chanel

Website design By Having the courage to speak up, even if and especially when everyone else is stifling conformity.

Website design By The power of inclusion is unstoppable, unbeatable and undeniable!

Website design By Women and so-called minorities are an incredible, yet underutilized asset in many corporate structures, companies, and businesses.

Website design By When companies and people in general adhere to inclusion, instead of exclusion, things work for the common good… almost always!

Website design By BotEap.comAs a result of hearing the President of Xerox speak, I came away thinking that the business world and more importantly the world is undergoing a drastic change where inclusion in all its positive forms is taking place; albeit slowly, however, change is taking place.

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