Social Media Marketing – Oops! I found you

Website design By BotEap.comIf you were to close your eyes and think about social media marketing right now and try to conjure up an image of what social media marketing would be like IF you were a human being, I think you would be someone like that: someone running for his or her life every Every time he or she meets another human species that is not clickable, cannot be deleted, and if this other human species is talking, instead of typing, life is over. C’est fini.

Website design By BotEap.comAs with many other search engine specialists on this planet, we’re really trying to think outside the box here. Are the days of search engine optimization really over now that social media marketing is ALMOST EVERYTHING? Will Google finally quit because you can’t chat, poke, super-tap, comment, bite, punch, or play mob wars with Google?

Website design By BotEap.comThe ‘Whoa, I Found You’ Method of Social Media Marketing

Website design By BotEap.comWell, it’s not actually called the ‘oops’ method, it’s just that I find it ironic and a very relevant description of social media marketing and link building. With social media marketing becoming so intensely popular due to the plummeting economy, I’d like to take some time to write about what I think of some of the link building social networking sites we have today. They are underutilized, you see. Well, in my part of the world it is, anyway.

Website design By BotEap.comIn this article, I’ll leave Facebook out of the picture. Instead, I’d like to move to the smaller but no less efficient micro social media marketing sites like delicious, digg, stumbleupon, furl, twitter, propeller and Yahoo!’s new baby Buzz.

Website design By BotEap.comIn reality, this is just a small part of social media marketing and some people more specifically refer to it as social bookmarking because that’s exactly what it is! You bookmark things you like (or brag about your own articles there) and share them with the network of people you have on that minisite. Bright. Just like Facebook, but on a smaller scale.

Website design By BotEap.comDelicious is one of the original sites like this and at the time, I didn’t even know it was part of the social media marketing compound; I just kept checking everything I wanted there and started to see some changes. yahoo! saw the potential and bought delicious a few years ago and is STILL the number one social bookmarking site we have on the internet today. It’s seamless and absolutely hassle-free. According to some, there are over three million people using this social media marketing website and over a hundred million links tagged there!

Website design By BotEap.comBrowser toolbar download “instant tag”

Website design By BotEap.comIf a social media marketing website does NOT have that one-click feature for you to download in your browser, forget it… no one else is going to bother with that and you’ll be wasting your time there.

Website design By BotEap.comDownload it and whenever you see something of interest, click the button and you will automatically add that link, along with your comments, to your profile.

Website design By BotEap.comLike all other social media marketing websites, it helps to have a few friends in your network. I’m talking beyond just delicious here. Whether it’s your Facebook, Twitter, digg, furl, buzz or whatever, the result is much higher when you have friends there.

Website design By BotEap.comOopsie, I stumbled upon your website or article.

Website design By BotEap.comWith a little twist on social media marketing, we have something called stumbling that… well, it’s self-explanatory. It helps you stumble upon websites, videos, images, web content, or downloadable stuff when you’re bored (or trying to pretend to work while your boss goes on break).

Website design By BotEap.comIf you’ve downloaded the stumbleupon toolbar, click an icon (they’re neatly categorized into each of their own categories) and you’ve stumbled upon a site or blogs that might be of interest to you. Lots of people find interesting stories to read or things to learn through stumbleupon.

Website design By BotEap.comSo how do you use this new social media marketing thing?

Website design By BotEap.comThis ties in brilliantly with the things you post online… an article, a YouTube video, a blog post ranting about the army of ants you just killed in the kitchen or your broken nail… you mark them, the post on these sites.

Website design By BotEap.comIf you think article merchandising will make you the next Donald Trump, you’ve got another tank coming your way! This is what you do…

Website design By BotEap.comYou write the article, post it to one of your favorite article directories, go to your published article, brand, and link each and every one of them to those social media marketing websites.

Website design By BotEap.comSpend a little time checking out the other stuff posted there, mix it up a bit and add people to your network. Do this consistently for a couple of months THEN you will see a difference.

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