Stress Management – Seven Steps to Less Stress and More Personal Peace in 2008

Website design By BotEap.comAs you focus on the coming year, is taking better care of yourself part of your plan?

Website design By BotEap.comIf you’ve been exhausted, frustrated, stressed, tense, and struggling physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially, here are simple steps you can take to reduce stress. You can create more calm and order in your life and more peace and joy in your heart.

Website design By BotEap.comThese tips are essentially the steps I used to recover from a stress-related debilitating illness in 1996-98. Now, I find that I have to keep renewing my commitment to work with these principles. Otherwise, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the stress merry-go-round again! Keep in mind that while these strategies won’t work overnight, consistent practice really adds up to success!

Website design By BotEap.com1. Learn to love and accept yourself just as you are, and forgive any perceived flaws. The more you love yourself, the easier it will be to take the other steps suggested below. To boost your process, try affirming, “I love myself,” many times a day. Or write a note of love and appreciation to yourself every day in your journal. Or look into your eyes in a mirror and say to yourself, “I love you,” every day for the next month.

Website design By BotEap.com2. Practice being a neutral supportive observer of your life. Observe without getting caught up in the emotions of the action. Observe yourself when you feel upset or stressed. You may say to yourself, “Wow, here I go, getting caught up in the drama.” Remember, you have the option to sidestep emotions in favor of the more objective point of view where you have more options to solve problems. Make that choice to the best of your ability at the time.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Decide your priorities and choose activities that align with your highest values. If you dream of being a writer, take some time to write. Skip the bar-hopping nights out with friends in favor of getting on with your dream. If you want to be debt free, cut up your credit cards and stay away from tempting stores.

Website design By BotEap.com4. Look for the good in everything. Use each challenge to help you learn and grow. This might be easier if you reflect on stressful times from the past and how, in the end, you learned or benefited in some way from the experience. If you can look back and see growth, you can learn to perceive current opportunities to expand your mind, increase your abilities, or balance your emotions. Focusing on the positive results will help reduce your stress.

Website design By BotEap.com5. Take practical steps to de-stress your life. Possibilities to boost your thinking include: See your doctor, rest and relax, eat right, exercise, meditate, and address whatever issues are causing your stress. Get your finances in order. Make a plan and get out of debt. Find a support group for stressed moms.

Website design By BotEap.com6. Let go of people and activities that are not in line with your personal priorities. You don’t have to be everything to everyone. You do not have to accept every request for volunteer support. Choose to be with people who are aligned with your plan priorities and it will be natural and easy to let go of those who are least supportive of you.

Website design By BotEap.com7. Tidy up your home and workplace. Get rid of unnecessary things. Clutter is a huge contributor to stress, but it’s one of the easiest areas to control. Take 15 minutes a day to declutter small spaces in your environment. You’ll be amazed at how much calmer and clearer you feel every time you clean out a drawer, box, or filing cabinet. Throw it away, shred it, give it to charity, or have a garage sale. But get the “trash” out of your personal space.

Website design By BotEap.comAs you practice these strategies, your stress level may decrease significantly over time. Instead, you will enjoy a sense of well-being and personal peace. You will have the inner resources and energy reserves to deal with occasional and unavoidable stressors. You will have empowered yourself to live a more mindful and fulfilling life, using creative approaches to reduce stress and create the inner peace you deserve.

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