Tennis coach turned author teaches readers how to win in tennis and in life

Website design By BotEap.comMary Pat Faley is an energetic and positive voice in the world of tennis. She is now ready to bring the tennis and life lessons she has shared with hundreds of her students to millions of readers. Her practical advice, including detailed instructions for improving your tennis serve for tennis players and motivational exercises perfect for anyone, will have even the couch potato inspired to gain a positive attitude and achieve your goals. she.

Website design By BotEap.comWinning in tennis and in life is much more than a tennis instruction manual. The book is divided into three sections: The Game of Health, The Game of Tennis, and The Game of Life. Each section is filled with stories from Mary Pat’s personal life, success stories from her students, inspirational quotes, exercises to help readers achieve her goals, and Mary Pat Faley’s never-failing positive attitude.

Website design By BotEap.comMary Pat begins by telling her story of surviving four life-threatening pulmonary embolisms that caused her to delay teaching tennis. During this time, she slowed down teaching her to recover, and she reinvented herself by becoming an author and writing the book she had always dreamed of: Winning in tennis and in life. In addition to using her own stories of struggle as her inspiration, Mary Pat also offers numerous stories from her tennis students about overcoming obstacles, including battles with cancer and blindness.

Website design By BotEap.comInterspersed with the personal stories are practical tips on nutrition, exercise, and how to stay healthy so you can keep winning in tennis and in life. Mary Pat Faley discusses foods that will fight cancer, the importance of sleep, stress-reducing activities, and techniques to focus your mind so you can be happier, healthier, and more successful in tennis or whatever else you set your mind to.

Website design By BotEap.comAt the heart of the book are Mary Pat’s lessons on improving your tennis game. Chapter 4 provides instructions for every tennis move imaginable, complete with diagrams to explain where to stand on the court when serving or hitting the ball. Mary Pat breaks her “Tennis is as easy as 1,2,3” teaching method into several instructions to:

Website design By BotEap.comI. Grip. II. Forehand and backhand vollies. third Forehand and backhand groundstrokes. IV. Postures With The Feet. V. Non-dominant left hand. SAW. Contact point. VII. End or Follow up. VII. Forehand and backhand approach shots. IX. General expenses. X. Serve. XI. Return of Service. XII. split step

Website design By BotEap.comAt the end of the book, Mary Pat also provides helpful cheat sheets to tear out and keep in your racket bag for easy practice. She recommends that you photocopy them because she will refer to them often. In fact, I have no doubt that tennis players will soon have worn copies of Winning in Tennis and Life because they will use and revere the book so much.

Website design By BotEap.comTennis players will love this book! I don’t usually read testimonials in books because I prefer to make my own judgments about a book rather than hear what others have to say about it, but Winning in Tennis and Life has so many testimonials that I felt I had to read. to them. Most of them were from Mary Pat Faley’s students, praising her teaching methods, her friendliness, her advice, and her ability to keep up with them – she keeps up with them so well on the tennis court, she doesn’t even notice! tie your shoelaces! These testimonials completely convince me that Mary Pat’s students love her and benefit from her instruction and enthusiasm. In fact, many of her students have become professional tennis players.

Website design By BotEap.comMary Pat is the center of this book. She intended to write a book on tennis. She has done very well, but reading this book, you end up loving Mary Pat. As one of her student’s testimonials says: “After the book, it has to be Mary Pat herself.” This woman knows no fear because of her positive attitude, an attitude that she quickly inspires in her readers. I cheered her all the way when I read about her participating in a bike-a-thon from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise money to fight AIDS; not only did she ride her bike, but she went up and down the “Evil Twins” hills for SEVEN incredible times, encouraging the other marathoners to persevere along with her.

Website design By BotEap.comI was impressed with her caring and wisdom when, as a college student, she went to visit a juvenile prison; She not only befriended the inmates, but she revolutionized their lives, helping them create an outdoor exercise program to boost their self-confidence. When faced with teaching a blind boy to play tennis, Mary Pat took on the task wholeheartedly until the boy succeeded, and her practical techniques and quick thinking made that goal attainable in a surprisingly short time. Readers will be envious of anyone Mary Pat has taught tennis to, and soon, her readers will be knocking on her door for personal instruction.

Website design By BotEap.comMany authors have tried to explain how the lessons learned in a sport can be applied to achieve success in life. Winning in tennis and in life is the rare book that makes the connection with success. She succeeds because her author has already won in tennis and in life, and even more so because her book makes it clear that with every cell of her being she wants her students and readers to do the same. Double points for Mary Pat Faley!

Website design By– Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D., author of The Marquette Trilogy

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