The Secret Cure For Sciatica Pain Revealed

Website design By BotEap.comI know what you’re thinking, this sounds too good to be true. Is there really a secret way to relieve sciatica pain? Any newfound, magical, or miracle drugs you can try? And if so, what is the cure for sciatica pain?

Website design By BotEap.comThe reality is that there is no perfect cure. There is no secret unrevealed. But aren’t you going to give up and say “Well, if there’s no secret cure for my sciatica pain, I’ll just live with it”? Of course not. You will accept the truth that the best relief will come from hard work and discipline.

Website design By BotEap.comThere will be times when medication may be needed. Anti-inflammatories or even pain relievers may be all that can get you through a serious episode, and that’s understandable. But there are many things that should be incorporated into your daily routine that you can do to keep your back in good shape. Proper stretching and exercise will give you the best results.

Website design By BotEap.comA well thought out stretching and exercise routine is by far one of the best ways to cure sciatica pain. Of course, before starting any new exercise routine you should consult your doctor. Your doctor should be able to help you create a personalized exercise and stretching routine that will help reduce the frequency and severity of sciatica flare-ups. You will need to perform stretching exercises that target the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve. It is critical that you perform your stretching exercises correctly to prevent further inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Website design By BotEap.comBeyond stretching and exercising, there are other common daily activities to be aware of as they may be contributing to your discomfort. For example, when lifting, standing, sitting, and lying down, there are correct ergonomic postures that you should work in. I’m sure you’ve heard “lift with your legs, not your back” many times; and you’ve heard it for a good reason. Always bend your knees with your feet shoulder-width apart when lifting heavy objects. Be sure to keep the object as close to your body as possible and keep your back straight.

Website design By BotEap.comEspecially important for people who work at a desk and sit for most of the day is proper ergonomics when sitting. Your legs should be bent at a natural 90 degree angle with your feet slightly flat on the floor. Make sure your back is well supported by using a chair that has adequate lumbar support for your lower back. Vary the angle of your posture throughout the day; this helps relieve constant stress on certain muscles and nerves. And if you work in front of a computer, the monitor should be at eye level. Every 30 to 60 minutes you need to get up, move around, and even stretch a little.

Website design By BotEap.comThere is no question that living with sciatica pain is difficult. If there really were a secret cure, its revelation would be a relief to millions. But until the day such a thing happens, taking good care of your back during the day and night will provide the best possible relief from your sciatica pain.

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