The Secret to Better Orgasms: Why Pilates for Men Improves Sexual Performance

Website design By BotEap.comDo you want better orgasms? Run; don’t walk, to your friendly local Pilates studio. Pilates for men can help sexual performance. Pilates for men has many benefits including increased flexibility and strength, but also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. A stronger pelvic floor equals stronger orgasms and better bladder control.

Website design By BotEap.comAs for the connection to men’s health and better orgasms, let’s first locate your pubococcygeus muscle. What is your pubococcygeus or PC muscle? It is located between the pubic bone and the coccyx (tail bone) and acts like a hammock to support the muscles of the pelvic cavity. The PC muscle is involved in urination and ejaculation. So if you’re a man who suffers from incontinence or premature ejaculation, listen up. There is something you can do.

Website design By BotEap.comKegel exercises, developed by Dr. Kegel, were originally designed to help women regain pelvic floor strength after childbirth, and Kegel exercises are now known to be just as important for men. Think of the muscle that stops the flow of urine. That’s your PC muscle. Give it a squeeze right now. Try squeezing or pumping that muscle. Hold the contraction for a few moments and release. Dr. Kegel recommended doing this exercise for one hour every day. Personally, I try to fit them in whenever I can. Online at the bank, in my car, during a commercial break. Have fun with Kegel exercises!

Website design By BotEap.comPoor tone and lack of function are what lead to many physical ailments and also what can lead to erectile dysfunction, incontinence, and premature ejaculation. Performing Kegel, or pelvic floor, exercises will increase blood flow to the penis, leading to stronger orgasms and better control. And when we talk about Pilates exercise, we talk about control.

Website design By BotEap.comJoseph Pilates first called his exercise method Contrology. I wanted you to master control over your own body and its movements. The muscles involved in ejaculation are muscles like any other man possesses. They need to be strengthened. Strengthening them will help prevent or control premature ejaculation. So start exercising and you too can have a higher sexual performance and achieve better orgasms. Pilates for men is a perfect way to get in touch with this part of your body.

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