Voodoo love spells for beginners

Website design By BotEap.comVoodoo love spells are one of the most popular forms of magic, as they are shown in movies and television series, where characters insert pins into a wrist to affect another character. Actually, it is not that different. Here’s how to cast basic voodoo love spells.

Website design By BotEap.comWrist

Website design By BotEap.comYou will need 2 dolls, one to represent the person of your desire and another to represent you. You can make them with some fabric and stuffing like cotton or they can be purchased. Some people try to make them look like the people they represent in voodoo doll spells, but I have been successful even if they look like cartoon characters.

Website design By BotEap.comMagic link

Website design By BotEap.comYou will need something that is linked to the person of your desire and something that is linked to you. Many people use a strand of hair or nail clippings as they consider them stronger magic bonds and think they will get better results. If you have studied magic for a while, you know that you are the one who creates the link and works the magic. The materials are just symbols to help you. It’s hard to get a lock of hair or nail clippings and you can get into a lot of trouble if you are seen picking them up. You will get exactly the same results using full names and dates of birth. Write them on a piece of paper and tape it to the dolls. You can also use photos.

Website design By BotEap.comTrance

Website design By BotEap.comVoodoo love spells require you to enter a trance state. This may sound difficult, but it is very easy. Your brain produces frequencies depending on your mood which are known as brain waves. There are many types of trance states, but we will use deep relaxation to shift your brain waves to alpha or tetha, allowing you to affect others with your thoughts. Focus on the parts of your body one by one, removing all tension until you begin to feel rested and refreshed.

Website design By BotEap.comCharm

Website design By BotEap.comCreate an amulet that describes the purpose of your voodoo magic. For example, “love me with all your heart, so that we will never part.” You don’t need to rhyme. Instead, you can use a directive, such as “love me twice as much as I love you.” You may be tempted to make the person love you 1000 times more than you love them, but they may not leave you alone for a moment. I once had to use voodoo doll spells to calm the love in someone.

Website design By BotEap.comRomantic scenes

Website design By BotEap.comHandle the dolls as if they are kissing and expressing their feelings. You don’t want to make them act like they’re taking a walk in the park. Focus on the results you want, not how you get there. Create a few different scenes.

Website design By BotEap.comWhen you’re done, put the dolls away. Some voodoo magic requires you to bury them, but it is not necessary in this case. Simply remove the sheet of paper with their full names and dates of birth or photos of the dolls. You can throw them away or keep them, but don’t reuse them in other voodoo love spells. These are just their basics and there is so much more to them.

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