Web Development Trends You Can Expect in 2018

Website design By BotEap.comIn the era of digital transformation, with an abundance of information, nothing is eternal. Constant change has become the norm in all aspects of our existence. The web development process is no exception either. Recent advances and technological innovations have changed the way we approach it. The potential has been greatly enhanced with the invention of new programming languages, frameworks, and much more. Here we discuss the web development trends that will manifest in the year 2018.

Website design By BotEap.comTop web development trends to watch out for
Constant innovation and change are the key to global progress. The field of web development has undergone persistent changes over the years. Here in this document we present the latest updates in the field of web development.

Website design By BotEap.comThe growing popularity of Vue JS
One of the 10 most forked GitHub projects of 2017, Vue Js has attracted a wide range of audiences from different industry streams. Due to its unmatched performance and also efficiency factor, Vue JS has surpassed the influence of React and Angular. Angular and React were very familiar and endorsed by Google and Facebook respectively. While Vue JS was an open source framework, originally developed and implemented by an individual Evan You. Despite the struggles and competition, in 2018, Vue JS took the industry back through innovation and persistence. Currently, large companies like Expedia, Alibaba, Nintendo, GitLab and many have started using Vue JS. And in the future, many organizations will consider adopting the same.

Website design By BotEap.comES6 and ES7 to impact functional programming
The notion of developing software purely based on fundamental principles is functional programming. The principles contain the creation of software by combining pure functions. Shared state and mutable data. In fact, functional code is much more manageable, simpler, and easier to handle than object-oriented code. Those who use JavaScript frequently will have a better understanding of this point. Javascript enhancements such as arrow functions, object/array layout, and async/await will greatly benefit FP.

Website design By BotEap.comAccelerated mobile pages to improve the mobile experience
AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages is a known factor by now. Since Google started sponsoring it, its use has already become a norm. However, it can drastically improve the performance of your web content and ads. And if you implemented it the right way, it will also have a positive impact on your site speed, user experience, and revenue. As the number of mobile users has increased substantially, the demand for AMP has also grown much more. This trend is expected to continue in 2018 as well.

Website design By BotEap.comWidely Compatible Browser Extensions
Browser extensions are basically code snippets written in Javascript, HTML, or CSS. They improve the functionalities of the browsers, they can add more functions to it and change the appearance or the content of the website. Previously, these extensions were developed only for specific browsers like Mozilla or Chrome. The trend started to change when Firefox started to support Chrome and Edge as well. However, this denotes a sign of full compatibility with the browser extension, which is much more convenient than the system we are currently following.

Website design By BotEap.comProgressive Web Apps for a rapidly changing world
These are web apps that have the functionality and design of mobile apps. The core notion is to create a kind of mobile app experience on web pages or websites. And the result so far is spectacular. Improved conversions, engagement, and reliability are the focuses. Especially if the criteria for Progressive Web App is met, Chrome will notify its users to add this app to the home screen. Ultimately, web applications are trying to provide a familiar mobile-like experience for their (mobile) peers.

Website design By BotEap.comSingle Page Apps as a Convenient Development Strategy
Single Page Application (SPA) is a well-known technique. Facebook, Gmail, and Google Maps are some examples of popular single page apps. SPA basically represents a single web page that loads the contents via Javascript. And conveniently, there are no page reloads or waiting time in SPA. Clearly call up data as well as markup and quickly display pages. Although the notion of SPA is very familiar in today’s web development scenario, it will continue to influence many companies in 2018 as well.

Website design By BotEap.comUse Agriya’s results-focused, cost-effective web development strategy to stay ahead
Agriya, a renowned web development company, is an innovative software service provider that is constantly improving. With a proven track record of implementing more than thousands of software products for clients around the world, Agriya represents one of the best software development companies in India. They offer a wide range of software products along with a whole class of industry-specific solutions, which companies can easily hire to set up spectacular digital platforms.

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