What Is Melatonin Pen Age Limit?

Melatonin Pen Age Limit

The Melatonin Pen is a new product in the market that promotes sleeping. It has been clinically proven to be effective in increasing the quality of sleep. However, in spite of its promising results, this product has some restrictions to its users. According to the FDA, people below the age of 17 years old who are taking any other medication must not use Melatonin Pen. This is because of the fact that melatonin is a drug that can have adverse effects on people who are still in their teenage or young adulthood.

The FDA also said that pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to use this product. They said that it is not designed for people who take medications for depression, anxiety disorders or insomnia. The FDA has also warned about the lack of evidence or studies proving the efficiency of Melatonin Pen. Even though there are no harmful side effects, it is better to be safe than sorry especially for people who are trying to rejuvenate themselves. But you still have the option to take this medication even if you are above the age of 17 years.

melatonin pen

You can find Melatonin Pen online in some stores or drugstores. But to be on the safe side, you should always buy it from a reputed online source. The FDA has imposed a sales limit of $40 per day for the use of these products. Hence, if you happen to purchase it from an online store, you should check out the price first and then decide whether or not you can afford to buy it.

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What Is the Age Limit?

If you think that you do not need to consult a doctor just to take this medication, then you might want to know about Melatonin Pen age limit. If you are below the age of 17 years old, then you will not be able to buy it from a local store. The reason for this is that it is not considered as an over the counter medicine and hence is only meant for people who consult doctors on a regular basis.

The basic idea behind the popularity of the Melatonin Pen is that this pen is meant for people who want to have some back up whenever they fall asleep. The process that the user of the pen has to go through is the same as those who take the pills on a daily basis. They just have to make sure that they do not miss their sleep. This method has been used by a lot of people worldwide and is proving to be effective for them.

If you are wondering whether you are above the age of 17 years, then you will have to discuss things with your parents. If they are in agreement with you, then you can proceed to buy it without any hesitation. If they are not in agreement, then you might have to wait until you are all grown up and can get your own prescription. In any case, you are safe with it. And you would have benefited by buying a Melatonin Pen Age Limit.

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