What prevents you from developing your full potential?

Website design By BotEap.comThere is no doubt that everyone has talents. I also sincerely believe that everyone is brilliant in their own way. If you live up to your full potential, the benefit you will bring to yourself and others will reward you beyond your wildest dreams.

Website design By BotEap.comTalents don’t necessarily have an expiration date, but you have to learn how to use them. You have the power to change your habits: acquire new skills and make full use of the talents and abilities you currently have. You can improve your performance, your productivity, and the quality of your entire life.

Website design By BotEap.comHave you ever wondered what makes a winner? Is it luck, intelligence, natural talent, dedication?

Website design By BotEap.comAll these things are important, they all make a difference. But we all know smart, talented, hard-working people who don’t consider themselves very successful or even happy. And we know people who aren’t exceptionally bright but seem happy and successful.

Website design By BotEap.comThere has to be something else, some secret to success. There are actually several secrets or habits to achieving your peak performance: living up to your full potential.

Website design By BotEap.comYour success in business, personal relationships, love, sports, just about anything you attempt, is largely determined by your self-image.

Website design By BotEap.comThe way you think about yourself has been shown to have a huge impact on your daily life. Your unhappiness or happiness is something you choose. So, you are thinking that no one chooses to be unhappy. Well, maybe not, but you have to make a conscious choice to be happy, confident, and successful.

Website design By BotEap.comThe strange thing is that both happiness and self-confidence are elusive when we go after them directly. Both seem to be more “by-products” than something you can achieve. So how, then, can you consciously choose for these things to have any value?

Website design By BotEap.comWell, the secret is to focus on moving towards your full potential.

Website design By BotEap.comA great way to do this is to simply start listing things about yourself such as;

  1. Your Strengths – all those things you do well.
  2. Your weaknesses: all the things you know you’re not good at.
  3. What obstacles you face, both internal and external, in reaching your potential.
  4. What are some sets it will take to clear the roadblocks, both what you can easily do and others you might need help with?
  5. What are the negative habits, beliefs, and conditions in your life that you want to change? Again, these can be a source of fear, but be brave when making your list.
  6. What are the positive habits, beliefs, and conditions that you want to have in your life? Here you need to get rid of any conservative tendencies and dream of the perfect life.
Website design By BotEap.comThis exercise can be a bit overwhelming at first. In fact, that little voice in your head that often speaks out against change will try to discourage you. So take charge, turn off that voice, and start now, as your future potential hangs in the balance. Imagine that you are your own best friend: it is surprising how much more forgiving and charitable we are with our friends than with ourselves.

Website design By BotEap.comIt’s important, like any good friend, to be honest: don’t make a list of things you feel you can’t really do well. Every day go through this list and focus on the top 3 strengths and top three positives on your list and do one thing each day to improve in one area. Repeat this every day and you will start to feel happier, more positive, confident and success will come after you!

Website design By BotEap.comRemember: the best is yet to come!

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