Why does my cat bite me first and then lick me?

Website design By BotEap.comIf you have a cat, sometimes you will be surprised by your cat’s behavior, especially when it nips or bites you and then licks you. This type of behavior is very normal among cats, since it is considered a display of affection and not aggression. What your feline friend is trying to tell you is that they love you, it’s his way of giving you a kiss!

Website design By BotEap.comSometimes your cat kisses can feel more like a bite or a sharp pinch that can hurt. Remember don’t get mad at your cat as you can confuse the poor cat. If your feline friend gives you a firm love bite, be firm and say No! Over time, your cat will understand that it’s still okay to show affection but not to cause you pain.

Website design By BotEap.comThe reason they are doing this is not to hurt you, they are just kissing you like they normally would another cat. Because cats have thick fur and the nerve endings in the skin aren’t close to the skin’s surface like ours, they need to bite harder to express their affection.

Website design By BotEap.comFor a cat, this type of affection is quite acceptable, but as a pet owner, it’s not the most pleasant experience to be bitten. To stop this type of behavior, you can train your cat not to bite, although this may take some time, patience, and persistence before you can control this habit or stop it entirely.

Website design By BotEap.comAlthough most cats enjoy affection, try not to pet them too much, as this can excite them too much. An overexcited kitty will exhibit many telltale signs such as purring, rubbing up against you, squeaking, and a stiff tail that may twitch. Cats that are overly excited usually can’t control their emotions, so be prepared in case your cat wants to kiss you.

When you approach your cat, be sure to look at her tail first, as her tail is like her mood detector. Remember that if his tail is shaking with excitement, avoid contact as you could end up with a love bite.

Website design By BotEap.comApproach your cat when he is in a good mood, his tail will look calm and only the tip will move gently. On the other hand, if they are not happy their tail will wag from side to side, it is always best to avoid contact with them until they return in a better mood.

Website design By BotEap.comLiving in harmony with your cat is possible, just try to be aware of its mood swings and if it bites and licks (kisses you) remember that it is a way of saying I love you.

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