Your Dog’s Behavior: Why You Should Never Let Your Dog Beg For Food And Attention

Website design By BotEap.comUnless they are trained not to, most dogs will get into the habit of asking for attention and food. Some dog owners actually allow this behavior and think it’s cute… no. Many people get very angry very quickly when their dog starts begging every time he wants love, attention and especially when he smells something delicious coming from their kitchen.

Website design By BotEap.comWhat’s wrong with a dog begging?

Website design By BotEap.comAll! Begging is another form of demanding and gives your dog a sense of control within the family “pack.” I describe a family as a pack because that is exactly how your dog sees it. While it may look cute when Rex rolls onto his back expecting a tummy rub every time he walks into the room, or just sits bleary-eyed looking directly at his hero sandwich when he’s eating during a Super Bowl game, this behavior has the potential to gain momentum and become hostile.

Website design By BotEap.comHow hostile can a dog get?

Website design By BotEap.comIf you don’t think your dog might bite your hand because he expects you to give him a funny treat every time he begs, think again. For years, a friend of mine would hand feed his dog bits of food any time of day he ate. If it was breakfast, his dog would get two pieces of toast. At lunchtime, my friend would feed the dog a few bites of his Rueben sandwich. The same thing happened with super.

Website design By BotEap.comMonths later, his dog matured and got bigger, and my friend didn’t realize that he was reinforcing a dominant leadership role in his dog every time he gave in to begging. Once he decided to alter this behavior with his dog, he learned very quickly just how dangerous the situation was. At one of his meals, my friend refused to feed his dog and the pleading and crying turned into hostile barking. Then all of a sudden his dog jumped on his plate and bit into his cheeseburger, taking a bit of my friend’s finger along with it.

Website design By BotEap.comBegging can be eliminated with proper training

Website design By BotEap.comMy friend’s example may seem a bit extreme and you probably could never imagine that you are a cute dog biting you in an attempt to get the food it was craving. This can become a real problem and you need to start early in your dog’s life by instilling the rules when it comes to begging.

Website design By BotEap.comDuring mealtime, you should train your dog to sit and stay in a separate area when the family eats. This may take some time, but eventually he will remain in a sitting position until dinner is over and then of course you should praise his actions by offering him a delicious meal that he can eat on his “own” food plate, and only after everyone the others have finished eating their food.

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