Burning desires: dreams that contain images and scenes of seduction, sensuality and sexual encounters

Website design By BotEap.comIt is not uncommon to dream of long-lost friends, former classmates, old lovers, and people who were once associated with you at some point in your life. You often dream of them acting provocatively, seducing you or luring you to worldly, sexual or other pleasures. They can even appear as images and visions that suggest sex, sensuality, and arousal. You may wonder why they are still an important part of your life, even if only in your “wet dream” world. But like the inner workings of a computer, your mind stores many of your memories in the subconscious. Sure, you’ve systematically removed events, phases, and people from your past, especially those you’ve tried to forget or wish you hadn’t experienced or encountered, but most of these memories are still with you. The people who figured prominently in your formative and “coming of age” years may no longer be a part of your present, but memories of them can linger with you throughout your life. You may tend to forget them for most of your waking state as you navigate through the chaos and din of your own daily existence, but they are buried in your subconscious and will manifest in your dreams from time to time.

Website design By BotEap.comDreams that connote seduction, sensuality, excitement and sex involving people from your past It could provoke divergent reactions, depending on your current state of mind or set of beliefs. Reactions can range from arousal, intense feelings of arousal, or spontaneous and unaided ejaculation, to feelings of guilt and shame as a result of harboring “dirty thoughts” and surreptitiously exploring what your religious upbringing may consider taboo. However, unlike real-life experiences, dreams of this nature are usually just that: symbolic images that may or may not reflect real-life situations. They can even symbolize something completely different.

Website design By BotEap.comDreams that contain images that evoke sensuality, say a picture of lingerie, may have their own symbolic meanings. Lingerie in a dream usually connotes temptation or seduction, which could have a sexual connotation, or it can simply be a symbol of an interesting aspect of your life that attracts people. Dreaming of your former llama wearing lingerie and posing in a classic act of seduction symbolizes her deep admiration for you for possessing extraordinary ability or talent. Most likely in the past she considered you an “attractive property” when you displayed an unusual skill or talent that left her dumbfounded and, presumably, more in love with you. This dream vision could also serve as a reminder for you to make the most of this skill or talent and not waste it.

Website design By BotEap.comCertain parts of the body evoke an innate sensuality. Tea lip viewFor example, it is enough to make some people salivate with lust. When seen in a dream, lips are generally symbolic images of a woman’s vagina. They can also mean a kiss, since kissing requires the use of our lips. A kiss in itself, when seen in a dream, is a sign of love and affection, or a show of tenderness. On the other hand, a dream about a former romantic partner using their full lips to kiss someone other than you symbolizes their selfishness and their “what I want, get it” attitude. Since the dream indicates that you are no longer together, your ex-lover’s condescending attitude in real life could have been the reason for your eventual breakup. In relation to your current life, this dream vision may have to do with someone you are currently dating. It can serve as a warning that this person could have similar traits as your former partner, and you could go through a similar harrowing experience if you don’t exercise caution and due diligence.

Website design By BotEap.comRecurring dreams about a old friend or former classmate who is attracted To you it indicates that someone in your current life may be “attracted” to your ideas, opinions, ideologies, religious beliefs, or political leanings. Although this person may have ignored you at first, they would regard you with respect and try to adopt your lifestyle or follow in your footsteps. On the other hand, a dream about an old friend who takes the form of an alien and expresses a desire to have sex with you indicates a strange sexual encounter that you will soon be able to experience for the first time in your life, such as participating in a homosexual activity. or perform an unconventional sexual act that you have never tried before. Otherwise, it could be a symbol of your homosexual tendencies.

Website design By BotEap.comDreams about the year old friend seducing you symbolizes unfinished business between you and the old friend. Recurring visions of seduction could mean that you need to address these unsolved issues together with your old friend, or else these visions will continue to haunt you in your dreams. Furthermore, this dream vision could also symbolize your old friend’s current success and could invite him to take the same path or field of interest to be as successful as his old friend. There are dreams in which you may see old colleagues pointing you in their general direction. These visions indicate that you may need to physically meet with them so that you can get a feel for how you can handle your current romantic relationship. Since the vision of former classmates evokes group study sessions and group learning activities, some things you learned in the past in the company of your former classmates may be applicable to your life today.

Website design By BotEap.comHave you had a dream of a similar nature lately? Have you dreamed of sexually suggestive images or people from your past trying to seduce you and allow you to access some truths about yourself that may have been hidden by circumstances in your own life as an instinctive defense mechanism? You should look for clues in your dream that you think may be the central theme and would constitute your keywords in online search. These clues would come in the form of individual symbolic images or contextual dream visions that would serve as keys to unlocking the proverbial hidden gems of your life.

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