Can Masseter Botox be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Masseter Botox Be Combined With Other Cosmetic Procedures

Masseter Botox is a minimally invasive injectable treatment that slims the jawline by paralyzing the masseter muscle. The procedure is quick and comfortable, and patients report that the treatment causes no pain or discomfort.

Often, an enlarged masseter muscle contributes to a boxy or square-shaped face shape. This condition is called a hypertrophied masseter muscle and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as chewing gum or teeth grinding or clenching. Masseter Botox reduces the size of the jaw muscles and helps contour the face for a slimmer, more defined look.

The procedure is also used to treat bruxism (chronic clenching and grinding of the teeth), which can cause soreness in the jaw and headaches. Using the Botox injections to relax the muscle can reduce a patient’s teeth-grinding habit, which can prevent tooth damage and deterioration.

A 2019 systematic review found that Botox is an effective treatment for bruxism and can be more effective than mouthguards or medications. Masseter Botox is also a safe and non-invasive option for people who are unable to tolerate traditional bruxism treatments, such as chewing gum or stress reduction strategies.

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Can Masseter Botox Be Combined With Other Cosmetic Procedures?

In addition to its cosmetic benefits, Masseter Botox is also an excellent facial filler for men and women who have a weak or underdeveloped chin. It can enhance the jawline for a more balanced appearance and provides a boost of confidence in those who have underdeveloped cheekbones or jowls that are a result of age, genetics, or other reasons.

Masseter Botox can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers, liposuction, or neck lift surgery for more dramatic changes to the jawline. However, it is important to find a well-versed injector who can understand the balance of these various aesthetic techniques and deliver natural-looking results that complement each other rather than look overdone.

The first step in getting Masseter Botox is to schedule a consultation with an experienced facial injector. Your injector will examine your face, jaw, and masseter muscles to determine if this is an appropriate treatment for you. They may make light marks to help guide the injections and prep the area with alcohol. This process only takes about 30-60 minutes, and many people choose to receive the injections on their lunch break or during a day off from work.

It is generally recommended to have regular follow-up treatments for Masseter Botox to ensure the results last as long as possible. Frequent treatments train the muscle to respond to the neurotoxin and reduce the likelihood that it will eventually learn to resist or react negatively to the injections. It is best to avoid excessive facial manipulation or rubbing in the days after treatment, as this can shift the Botox out of place and ruin your natural-looking results. It is also advisable to avoid smoking or any other habits that can degrade the efficacy of your Botox injections. With regular maintenance, your results can last for up to a year or more.

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