Don’t cats drool?

Website design By BotEap.comEarlier today, while searching for something on Google, I came across a book titled, Waiting for your cat to bark? and I wanted to shout to the empty room: “Yes! Yes, I am!” The book is actually something about customers and marketing. But I loved the title.

Website design By BotEap.comWe have two cats in our house. We certainly do not own those cats. If they could talk, they would probably be saying that we are ours. In that sense, they are normal cats.

Website design By BotEap.comBut I’m not so sure that they are normal cats in every way. And as the behaviors emerge from both of them, I wonder if it’s something we’re doing that’s causing them to behave the way they do, or if they’re learning from each other. I guess it’s a combination of both.

Website design By BotEap.comOur older cat is about four years old. She didn’t start her life acting more like a dog than a cat. However, we had a dog in the house for about a year, so she may have learned some of her behaviors from him.

Website design By BotEap.comWhat does she do? Well, for one thing, she can’t wait until the humans in the house finish eating dinner so she can lick the dishes or eat any leftovers. When it comes to cat food, she is a normal picky cat. But she loves finding people’s leftover food on their plates. She doesn’t have to be meat bites either. She loves macaroni and even some vegetables. strange cat.

Website design By BotEap.comHe also loves to walk outside on his leash. She waits at the window for my husband to get home from her work, then she starts meowing until he takes her for a long walk. When he’s at work, she often sits near the leash and pushes it while he meows at me. weird cat

Website design By BotEap.comOur youngest cat is in that state that it is not really a kitten or a cat. She doesn’t require a lot of toys. Instead, she will entertain herself for hours chasing the plastic ring on a milk bottle. Or the plastic lid of the milk bottle.

Website design By BotEap.comThis kitty will choose one “toy” as its focus throughout the day and carry it from room to room. While I go about my daily routine, cleaning or putting away clothes, she will follow me with her toy in her mouth. She will jump onto the bed with whatever plastic knickknack she has in her mouth, then proceed to throw it up in the air and try to catch it. She will try to bury her toy under the covers and then attack him when she finds it. For her, playing doesn’t require the help of humans or her cat friend.

Website design By BotEap.comHe is also interested in people food. He’ll watch carefully as the food moves from fork to mouth, then jump into your lap to sniff your mouth as you chew. If it smells something interesting, it will jump back down to the ground and sit there watching and purring. If you ignore it, it will place its front paws on your leg and sit down, like a begging dog. More weird cat behavior, if you ask me.

Website design By BotEap.comSpeaking of strange cat behavior, both cats are sitting by the front door mailbox. And meowing. And wagging their tails. I think the postman just delivered something.

Website design By BotEap.comNo, they’re not wagging their tails. That’s what dogs do, right? Cats don’t wag their tails. And they don’t drool. Or them?

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