Educated men masturbate more than other men

Website design By BotEap.comMasturbation is less common among less educated men (89%). More high school (95%) and college educated (96%) men are involved in masturbation for at least some period of their lives.

Website design By BotEap.comFrequencies of masturbation after marriage are higher (69%) among college-educated men. Only 42% of men with a high school education masturbate after marriage and only 29% of men with less education.

Website design By BotEap.comThere is no objective measure of a person’s imaginative abilities. But someone with more education is likely to be more imaginative because he uses his mind and has been exposed to more ideas. Those who are successful academically may have more active imaginations due to increased mental abilities in general. Therefore, education is only a guide to the probability that someone is imaginative. A good imagination is needed if a person is going to use fantasy to get aroused when masturbating to orgasm alone.

Website design By BotEap.comKinsey commented on the taboo on masturbation among the uneducated. Kinsey linked male sexuality and education through the use of fantasy. A creative imagination is likely to be an even more critical requirement for female masturbation because women don’t get turned on by real-world triggers. There are far fewer women (compared to men) who have a mind that responds positively to eroticism. Accurate statistics on women’s experience are difficult to obtain due to ignorance about orgasm and how it is achieved.

Website design By BotEap.comMen do not boast about reaching orgasm, which ends the pleasure they enjoy from thrusting into a body orifice. Some men like to delay ejaculation with a lover for as long as possible to enjoy the sensations of intercourse. Others (especially younger men) approach sex with more emphasis on ejaculation as a means of releasing built-up sexual tension.

Website design By BotEap.comResearch indicates that uneducated men seek prostitutes more than educated men. For many men, one vagina is a lot like the next. Educated men make more insightful decisions about the sexual scenarios that interest them. Educated men look for more sophistication in a woman’s sexual performance, including her willingness to be proactive with a lover. Educated men also expect a greater emotional connection with a lover. Education makes a person more sensitive to the opinions of others. Educated men are more inclined to accept a woman’s desire to spend time getting to know a person before becoming sexually involved.

Website design By BotEap.comMen have a biological sex drive, but they make conscious decisions about how and when to orgasm. A man is also influenced by the company he keeps and the society in which he lives. Sex involves another person, which makes consent an issue. Some women, generally those who are inexperienced and less educated, are more sexually inclined than others.

Website design By BotEap.comAlfred Kinsey found that younger generations of women were better informed about orgasm. They were more inclined to say that orgasm was possible with a lover, but at the same time agreed to have sex less often than older women. He suggested that changing attitudes in society and the emancipation of women meant that younger and more educated men were more inclined to take into account their partner’s lower sexual desire. As women gain confidence with age and experience, they are more likely to insist on their own preferences for less regular sexual activity with a lover.

Website design By BotEap.comResearch indicates that less educated men are more receptive than educated men. That means that in general (including all forms of sexual activity), educated men have fewer orgasms on average than less educated men. It’s strange that something like education has an effect on responsiveness. Responsiveness is an innate characteristic of the human mind and body. It is not determined by environmental factors. We need to differentiate between our potential for orgasm and what we actually achieve.

Website design By BotEap.comLess educated men tend to have more sex than more educated men. This is because more educated women are more assertive when it comes to making their own sexual decisions. They are potentially more financially independent and therefore have less of a need to keep men happy. Such women are less willing to marry and be asked to marry than less educated women. So less educated men who marry less educated women have an advantage.

Website design By BotEap.comAn educated man can also substitute masturbation more easily than a less educated man. But masturbation doesn’t satisfy men emotionally or sexually in the same way that intercourse does. Orgasms are achieved through intercourse with much less effort than those achieved through masturbation. The moment of orgasm can be faster with masturbation, but the ease of arousal is not as spontaneous because the man has to use his imagination. Therefore, a man who orgasms primarily through intercourse is likely to have more orgasms than a man who substitutes masturbation.

Website design By BotEap.comBoys with the highest rates of masturbation are often the first to become adolescents. These are the males that have the highest total lifetime output (Alfred Kinsey 1948)

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