How to Do Wall Art Painting

Wall Art Painting

Creating your own wall art is an easy way to bring color and texture into your home. It’s also a budget-friendly project that’s sure to be the topic of conversation at your next get together. When it comes to choosing the colors and design of your painting, consider the style of the room where the piece will go. If you want the space to feel energetic and playful, bright contrasting colors will probably work best. For a more moody or mellow space, neutrals or pastels may be a better choice.

Before you take on a large scale wall painting, make some sketches to test out your ideas. This will help you get a feel for what is possible and what is not, as well as give you an idea of how much time it will take to complete the project. Professional painters have a lot of institutional knowledge about what makes a painted wall look great. They often don’t even think about some of the small things that they do, but they add up to a huge impact on the final look of a room.

To start, you should wash the wall where you plan to paint with a mild dishwashing soap and water. This will ensure that the paint adheres properly and will remove any dirt or grease from the surface of the wall, which can prevent it from taking the paint as well as it should. Once the wall is clean, you can move on to prepping it for your mural. This will likely include priming the entire wall with a coat of acrylic primer. Make sure to allow enough time for the primer to dry completely before you continue with your project.

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How to Do Wall Art Painting

For murals that require a base layer of uniform color, you can use a simple roller or brush to apply the paint. However, if your mural has textural elements that you want to show through (such as wood grain or crackles) then you should try a patterned roller instead of the standard one. These are available in a wide range of textures, including wood grain, ridges, crackles and more.

It’s also a good idea to step back from your project periodically to see how it looks from a distance. This will help you catch any perspective or sizing issues that might be difficult to see when you’re working on such a big scale.

As with any kind of painting, it’s important to protect yourself as you work. This means working in a well-ventilated area and using protective eyewear if necessary, especially when sanding or using chemical cleaners on your walls. If you are using enamel or acrylic latex paints then a respirator is also a good idea to protect your lungs and eyes from the chemicals in the paint. When you’re done painting your wall art, let it dry thoroughly. Then, enjoy your new piece of decor! This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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