How to manifest in the 4th Dimension

Website design By BotEap.comWhether you are new to The Law of Attraction or have been doing it for years without much success, there is a reason for this. There is a new consciousness being born on the planet and the old ways of doing things will no longer work, especially by working long and hard. Some of the reasons traditional goal setting, vision boards, affirmations, and other Law of Attraction applications don’t work is simply because they don’t come from spirit and source energy. You are connected to the Universe, the Creator, God or whatever you prefer to say that has much more power than trying to manifest something from the 3rd dimension. Also, your soul is the gateway to this connection and always knows what is for your highest good.

Website design By BotEap.comVision boards and other tools are great to use in creating your dreams, but understand that there is a much deeper level where true manifestation comes from. When you are truly aligned with the source energy, that is where manifestations and miracles happen. Your ego tends to get in the way with impatience, the way you present yourself, and a lack of confidence. Learning to go within allows you to connect with the essence of co-creation. Think of something you want to manifest that hasn’t happened yet.

Website design By BotEap.comHow do you feel thinking about it? Are you impatient? Do you feel that life is unfair?

Website design By BotEap.comNow notice the energy you are putting out and how it feels. You are most likely feeling tense and anxious. This is called resistance which always takes you away from your point of attraction. Everything you’ve ever wanted is already here This is a difficult concept to understand, but everything you want is already in the 4th dimension and because we live on the physical plane, we don’t see it.

Website design By BotEap.comMost people need to see it first before they believe it. This type of thinking will only cause more frustration and take longer for things to show up in physical reality. This can be extremely challenging when you are feeling anxious and scared. Many people I talk to want to know how to manifest money right away. The problem with asking that question is that they no longer trust it to show up and every time you need something right away it creates resistance. When you learn to go within yourself and understand that the money is already there and divine timing is always working in your favor, this is how the manifestation of spirit and source energy works. Science tells us that there are waves of possibilities and the mere fact of observing is what appears in your reality.

Website design By BotEap.comManifesting in the 4th Dimension – Imagine being able to tap into this powerful source to manifest from this level of limitless potential, easily and effortlessly.

Website design By BotEap.comHere are 4 tips for learning to manifest in the 4th dimension:

Website design By BotEap.com1. Be the observer of your wave of possibilities. If you are having money problems and your attention is focused on scarcity, understand that you are creating a greater likelihood of experiencing more of the same. Allow yourself to go within and create a wave of abundance by focusing on observing what you want. Imagine watching the wave collapse that materializes in the solid form of money instead of debt and lack.

Website design By BotEap.com2. Stop needing it right now. I get tons of emails asking me how to win the lottery and I need money right away. If you live in this energy, you are not learning to create from spirit and source. Release the need and learn to let go of your attachment. Once you learn to do this, you will see miracles happen in your life. Tell yourself that what you want is already there and appears in divine timing.

Website design By BotEap.com3. Ask for your greatest good. I feel like we live in a world that is extremely focused on material objects—the big house, the fancy car, and the big bank account—that can cause even more resistance when you focus only on those things. When you ask for something that is for your highest good, you discover that you are manifesting something in its purest form. 4. Focus on the essence. Your soul always wants the experience while your ego wants the material. Focus on the essence of what that object gives you. An example of this would be if you wanted a new car and instead of focusing on the new car you change it to what this new car brings you. Is it joy, freedom or peace of mind? List everything you want on one piece of paper, and then on the other side, list the essence of what it brings to your soul. When you let go of the ego and manifest from this place, you will find that there is less fighting, mental chatter, and you create a life that is truly fulfilling.

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