It’s a science

Website design By BotEap.comDiet and exercise are scientific questions, both create biological changes in humans. Things that affect human beings at the biological level belong to the realm of science and medicine. The mechanisms by which diet and exercise change people are widely studied and available for review. For example, the role of insulin with respect to fat storage and burning is widely known and understood. The action of insulin with respect to the 3 types of diets is essentially what distinguishes the thousands of “diets” in the world from one another. There is a consistent scientific understanding on this matter. Calorie restriction diets like Weight Watchers do not attempt to lower insulin levels, but rather rely on energy balance (fewer calories consumed vs. burned) to achieve weight loss.

Website design By BotEap.comCarb-restricted diets like Atkins, The Zone, and Paleo Diet rely on limiting insulin levels to reduce fat storage and increase fat burning for net fat loss. Diets like Eat Stop Eat and other forms of intermittent fasting rely on periods of just not eating to lower insulin levels and promote a hormonal profile that increases fat loss. The underlying science of diet is not that complex or mysterious for many people to understand. It is not necessary to have specific training in nutrition to have a reasonable understanding of the science involved. If you have any knowledge, you won’t be overwhelmed by the commercialization of these diets. Calorie restriction diets have notable downsides, rebound (recovery from lost fat), loss of lean tissue, decreased metabolic rate, and “diet obsession.”

Website design By BotEap.comCarbohydrate restricted diets have disadvantages, creation of carbohydrate cravings (carbohydrate binges), decreased metabolic rate and a tendency to rebound (less than in calorie restricted diets). Disadvantage of intermittent fasting diets are symptoms of discomfort from fasting periods, such as dizziness and irritability and hunger pangs, along with overeating behaviors when the fast is broken. This can result in a situation with no net energy deficit (no fat loss). Intermittent fasting has other important health benefits in addition to fat loss. Armed with the above information, one can make rational decisions about diet (fat loss). The body of evidence is building to create a consensus that intermittent fasting may prove to be the “solution” at the end of the road to fat loss. Recent studies regarding dramatic increases in hGH levels during fasting are prompting a massive reexamination of the benefits of fasting, even neglecting fat loss considerations.

Website design By BotEap.comHowever, the overwhelming number of people make their dietary decisions without regard to the above science. Failure rates have not been affected by advances in scientific knowledge. This is a problem. Health officials are reluctant to take a firm stand not to be seen as promoters of any particular business entity. The net effect has been to leave the public completely vulnerable to market manipulations. ie “Diet Confusion”. Obesity rates have skyrocketed, obviously the same old approaches aren’t working. Now let’s examine the exercise.

Website design By BotEap.comExercise is absolutely a medical and scientific matter. Exercise is NOT a recreational topic. Without medically appropriate exercise, the likelihood of osteoporosis, type II diabetes, joint replacement, immobility, constant pain, obesity. decreased immune response and even depression increased. The severity of these diseases makes it difficult to consider exercise as a simple recreational option. Medically appropriate exercise is an effective method to drastically reduce the chances of having the aforementioned afflictions. The main point is that exercise and diet are too serious a topic to be trivialized in a decision based on the “feel good” thought. Wrong decisions about diet and exercise can waste up to 15 hours a week and still not get any significant results. As a culture, we need to replace “doing something” with doing the right thing.

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