Seven principles of team building

Website design By BotEap.comThrough my years of experience working on a challenge course, I have seen many different theories, ideals, or thoughts on how to get a group through a challenge course. Some are very difficult, some are easy, and some walk right in the middle. The one I have found most effective is the seven principles of a challenge course. Communication, Trust, Teamwork, Leadership, Self-Esteem, Problem Solving and Decision Making are the seven principles. These are the core areas that a team needs to improve or work on in order to be a complete and successful team.

Website design By BotEap.comCommunication

We encourage real learning of critical listening and discussion skills important to any group attempting difficult tasks.

Website design By BotEap.comThis is the basis of everything. If you have bad or no communication then the group will either fall apart and fail or fight with whatever comes their way. A person should not only work on verbal communication skills, but also on non-verbal ones.

Website design By BotEap.comteamwork

Teamwork is the key that allows a group to face a challenge successfully. Experience makes it clear that each individual can achieve more as a member of a team than acting alone.

Website design By“Many hands do light work” is self-explanatory and effective when talking about teamwork. Another analogy I like to use is a watch. It will only work if all the gears and cogs fit together correctly and that is what each team must do; that is to say, to use the virtue of each one and to avoid his vice. Each person must have the strength to overcome someone’s weakness. By working together, a goal can be achieved that one individual may find too difficult on their own.

Website design By BotEap.comConfidence

Participants who complete difficult tasks in a course develop confidence in the facilitator, confidence in the course, in each other, and in themselves.

Website design By BotEap.comTrust needs to be established early in a group, even if it’s just a little, but a little can soon become a lot, as long as there’s a foundation to start from. I also discovered that it can be very easy for a person to trust another person before trusting themselves.

Website design By BotEap.comLeadership

Leadership is given and assumed naturally, and can be expressed in many ways. Team members attempting to solve problems in a challenge course have many opportunities to develop and exercise leadership skills.

Website design By BotEap.comThis can make or break a group. Everyone wants to be the leader and on a challenge course everyone should try at least once to be the leader, but not everyone should try at the same time because when you have too many “Bosses” and no “Indians” nothing gets done. . There is a saying, “To learn to lead, you must first learn to follow,” which means that if you have no idea what the person you are trying to lead feels or needs from you, then you will never be a great leader. The best leaders are always those who work their way up to the highest position. Also, some people just aren’t cut out for the job for reasons such as they make bad decisions or can’t get their group together or can’t communicate jobs effectively. A challenge course is a great place to find out.

Website design By BotEap.comProblem resolution

Also called brainstorming time. A challenge The courses require groups and individuals to develop solutions to interesting problems. The participants can then test their solutions and evaluate the results.

Website design By BotEap.comDecision making

Challenge Courses require groups to make decisions by developing one or more solutions to a problem, considering available resources and alternatives, and evaluating likely results.

Website design By BotEap.comProblem solving and decision making go hand in hand. Each person in the group is going through life differently and therefore sees how to accomplish a task differently, which means there are as many different ways to finish a task as there are people on it. What the group must do is make a decision about which idea is the most appropriate to solve the problem. One thing to note that I have noticed in my years of leading groups through a challenge course is that the calmest person in the group sees some of the easiest ways to do things. That is why it is important to listen to everyone’s idea. Sometimes it takes a good leader to get the idea out of everyone.

Website design By BotEap.comSelf esteem

Facing the challenge of an event allows individuals and groups to build self-esteem and encourage them to adopt challenging and achievable goals.

Website design By BotEap.comSelf-esteem is the weakest of the seven principles and can fluctuate throughout the teamwork day. It is harder to build self-esteem in an individual person than in a group, but for the group to reach its full potential, each person must work to the best of their ability and if they don’t believe in themselves, then the whole group could end up suffering.

Website design By BotEap.comSome people would say that there are things missing. There is nothing to say that a principle cannot be added to these seven. Think of the seven listed above as the foundation of a great team, everything else is just extra. One specific example that occurs to me is that a lot of people ask why planning isn’t on my list. Well, that’s simple because problem solving and decision making equal planning. I think it’s more appropriate to break down the planning process because through self-examination, the group can improve its performance.

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