The Hierophant Tarot Card: Its Symbolism and Meaning

Website design By BotEap.comIn older decks, the Hierophant Tarot Card was once referred to as the Pope or High Priest. In Tarot symbolism, the Hierophant is a symbol of the Spiritual Father. He is the wise teacher and, for many, he is the symbol of the religious institution. In Tarot readings, the Hierophant reminds us that there is much more to life than the ordinary. His teachings remind us that we must abide by spiritual principles to gain a deeper understanding of our purpose in this world. It is the letter of social order, conformity and traditional values. He is also an important symbol for spiritual growth.

Website design By BotEap.comSymbolism of the Cleric and the Pillars Tarot

Website design By BotEap.comOne of the most striking features of traditional Hierophant imagery is its position. The Hierophant sits on top of two clerics. These two clerics or religious figures symbolize both religion and mysticism. In this sense, both are considered valuable and holy. More importantly, one cannot function without the other.

Website design By BotEap.comSimilar to the High Priestess, the pillar positions represent a gate or entrance into the unknown or mystical. Behind the Hierophant is everything that remains unknown or unlearned. In front of him is the known. It is well organized, structured and orderly. This is the realm of conformity.

Website design By BotEap.comStaff Tarot Symbolism and the Hierophant Hand Position

Website design By BotEap.comLooking at the Hierophant Tarot card, you can’t help but recognize the gesture of his hand pointing towards the heavens. Symbolically, this references the Hierophant’s association with the realm of Heaven or the realm of the spirit. In this sense, it represents the relationship between one’s higher consciousness and his ego. It is the ultimate symbol of balance, as she has learned to listen to his inner reality without compromising the importance of his rational mind. His gesture towards the heavens symbolizes the importance of spiritual principles and that these principles have authority over all others.

Website design By BotEap.comHis golden staff further illustrates his authority over spiritual matters. Some believe that the multi-crossed staff represents different levels of consciousness. Traditionally, however, the three crosses on the staff represent rituals or rites of passage. If one wishes to attain spiritual enlightenment, he would have to undergo various rites of passage to attain spiritual wisdom.

Website design By BotEap.comThe symbolism of the Tarot keys

Website design By BotEap.comBeneath the Hierophant’s feet rest two keys. They are linked and intersect with each other. Symbolically, these represent the keys to heaven, the Divine, or the House of God. These are the keys to spiritual truths that the Hierophant always holds sacred. Yet at the same time, the Hierophant recognizes the importance of the secular and teaches us how to implement the spiritual in our ordinary lives. He represents the link between our external perceptions and our internal truths.

Website design By BotEap.comThe fact that the keys are crossed represents two paths or two ways of living. One must become aware of the decisions or choices before them and that very action must be done in accordance with one’s value systems.

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