What is the class size at BunnyHop Creative Academy?

class size at BunnyHop Creative Academy

BunnyHop creative academy places a premium on personalized attention and tailored instruction. To ensure that each student receives the highest quality education and individualized support, we maintain intentionally small class sizes across all our programs.

In our early childhood classes, which cater to children aged 3 to 6, we limit class sizes to a maximum of 10 students. This allows our experienced instructors to provide the close supervision and guidance that young learners need to explore their creativity in a safe and nurturing environment. This smaller class size also enables instructors to cater to the unique needs and developmental stages of each child, fostering a sense of confidence and self-expression from the very beginning of their artistic journey.

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For children and pre-teens (ages 7-12), class sizes remain small, with a maximum of 12 students per class. This deliberate choice ensures that instructors can offer individualized attention, constructive feedback, and targeted guidance as students delve deeper into their chosen art forms. The intimate class setting fosters a sense of camaraderie and allows for meaningful connections to develop between students and instructors.

What is the class size at BunnyHop Creative Academy?

As students progress into their teenage years (ages 13-18), class sizes remain capped at 15 students. This deliberate limitation allows for a more focused and in-depth exploration of advanced artistic techniques and concepts. It also facilitates a collaborative learning environment, where students can engage with their peers, exchange ideas, and collectively elevate their creative pursuits.

For our young adult and adult learners (ages 19+), we continue to prioritize small class sizes, ensuring that students have ample opportunities for interaction with their instructors and fellow participants. With a maximum of 15 students per class, we maintain a supportive environment where individuals can refine their skills, explore new artistic avenues, and benefit from the wealth of experience and expertise offered by our instructors.

In addition to our standard classes, BunnyHop Creative Academy also offers specialized programs for seniors (ages 60+), where class sizes are deliberately kept small to cater to the unique needs and interests of this demographic. By limiting class sizes to a maximum of 10 participants, we create an intimate and inclusive setting that promotes social interaction, cognitive stimulation, and creative expression in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

By maintaining small class sizes across all age groups, BunnyHop Creative Academy ensures that every student receives the attention, guidance, and support they need to thrive in their creative pursuits. This intentional approach allows for meaningful connections to form between students and instructors, fostering a sense of community and a deep appreciation for the transformative power of the arts. Ultimately, our commitment to small class sizes is a testament to our dedication to providing an enriching and personalized learning experience for every individual who walks through our doors.

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