What words should a husband say to show that he really wants his marriage after his affair?

Website design By BotEap.comI often hear from people who deeply regret cheating on their spouse and would give practically anything if their spouse gave them any hope of staying together. Sometimes the faithful spouse refuses to believe that there is any logic in a person cheating on them and then immediately begging them to stay together. As a result, the cheating spouse may be left struggling to find ways to prove that he is completely sincere in his desire to stay together.

Website design By BotEap.comI can listen to both wives and husbands. But as an example, you might hear a husband say something like, “As soon as my wife saw a picture of the other woman, she shut down on me. I mean, she was furious when she found out about the affair and even stayed with her mom.” for a couple of weeks, but when she got home, she said she would consider trying to work it out, but emphasized that she wasn’t committing and she could change her mind at any time. I didn’t push her. I was so happy to see her come home “Little by little we started talking more and more about it. It started to look like we were making some progress. Then, she asked to see a picture of the other woman. I had deleted everything from my phone, but I pulled a picture from Facebook. My wife went crazy. Because the other woman is younger. And she’s so pretty. This seemed to bring out all the insecurities my wife could never have – about her age, about her looks, about her body, and about my commitment. with her. t than the other woman er she is pretty. But now I feel nothing but regret and shame when I look at her. I prefer the way my wife looks. I prefer my wife to anyone else. I try to tell my wife this, but she refuses to believe me. She won’t believe that, in her words, she “would rather be with a middle-aged woman that I’ve already cheated on than a hot young lady.” She may not believe it. But it’s true. I want the real deal, the real love, with my wife. But now I’m afraid I’ll never get that chance because she really doesn’t think I want to stay together. I think she thinks I’m just begging her not to leave so I don’t lose money in a divorce. What can I do to make her believe me?

Website design By BotEap.comI am a firm believer that no one can be “forced” to do anything. And you shouldn’t try to force someone to feel or do anything, especially in a love relationship. But there are behaviors you can exhibit and things you can do to encourage your wife to start trusting you again. I will list some of them below.

Website design By BotEap.comGive him more of what you’ve been holding back all this time: Husbands sometimes ask me what kind of gift they should get their wife after an affair. This usually shows me that they are on the wrong track. Unless you have a history of being stingy with money, buying something for your wife probably won’t hit the mark. Anyone can throw money at a problem. There is no real emotion or vulnerability there. You want to give her something you haven’t been honest with before to show her that you’re really trying.

Website design By BotEap.comFor example, if you haven’t been giving her your full attention or time leading up to the adventure, that’s a good place to start. Come straight home from work. Cook her dinner or take her out. And listen carefully to what he has to say. Make her feel really heard and really understood. In truth, she wants to feel special to you. And simply spending money to buy him something doesn’t accomplish this. What this accomplishes is that you spend an obvious amount of time and effort just on her.

Website design By BotEap.comThis is more difficult than it seems. Because when she’s mad at you, it can be hard to keep trying to be loving and patient when she feels like all she’s doing is pushing you away. It can be hard to keep picking yourself up and keep trying every time he rejects you. But this is what you should do if you think she is worth the effort.

Website design By BotEap.comSay and do things to make her believe that she is beautiful in your eyes: As a wife who has been through this, I can tell you why you are so angry. Part of that is that she’s so hurt. And that she is doubting herself. She sees that young lady and she knows that she has a hard time competing because whatever she does, she won’t be able to turn back time and be that age again. She lives in a society where youth and beauty are highly valued. She worries that since you’ve already cheated on her, you might not find her as attractive as the woman you’ve cheated with.

Website design By BotEap.comIf this is not true and if your wife has it all wrong, then you need to do everything you can to prove it to her on a regular basis. You don’t want to go overboard to say things that sound insincere. But you want to take note of the things you can be honest about. If you suddenly realize that your wife has the most beautiful and warm smile, then you want to tell her. You want to really look at her and you want her to see genuine appreciation on your face.

Website design By BotEap.comHere is the truth. In general, we can tell when you’re faking it. We may have our doubts, but honestly, they are mostly based on ourselves and our worries that we are not good enough.

Website design By BotEap.comBut, if you keep getting the message across, we may start to believe what you’re saying when we start to feel better about ourselves. And this brings me to my last tip. Encourage her wife to do anything that will help her feel good about herself. Now, you have to be very careful here. If she says that she needs to lose weight, you don’t want to accept wholeheartedly that she needs to go on a diet. You always want to tell her that she is beautiful to you. But you also want to encourage her to be free to do whatever she feels is necessary to feel confident about herself. This can include counseling, improvements in appearance or clothing, or anything else that may seem silly to you but could be a big deal to her.

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