Asthma Triggers – All Hot and Bothersome

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comAn asthma trigger is anything that causes asthma symptoms; it doesn’t cause asthma itself, but because asthmatics have sensitive airways, it causes an attack. Everyone’s asthma is different and can have multiple triggers. An important aspect of managing asthma is avoiding triggers. There are many well-known common triggers, some asthma […]

Florida Relocation Status

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comFlorida’s relocation statute – FS 61.13001 (enacted 2006) – significantly restricts the custodial parent’s right to move out of the non-custodial parent’s residence. Before the passage of the statute, a custodial parent could move virtually anywhere in Florida without court permission. However, the Florida legislature passed that it has redefined […]

Aggression in your Puggle puppy? Don’t worry! I’m sure these steps will help you!

Website design By Website design By BotEap.comPuggle puppies get their sweet, intelligent, and loving demeanor from their Pug and Beagle ancestors. But just like any other breed, Puggles can show signs of aggression to their family, other dogs, and strangers. Here are some key points to help get rid of those unwanted behaviors! 1. As a […]