The Population of the Americas

Population of the Americas

The America population totals about 3.8 billion people. About two-thirds of Americans live in urban areas, and the rest primarily live in rural areas. The country’s largest cities include New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

The nation’s demographics have been shifting rapidly in recent decades. In 2021, immigrants accounted for 13.6 percent of the U.S. population, a historic high but still short of the record high of 14.8 percent in 1890 (see Figure 1). Immigration from Latin America population and Asia has replaced immigration from Europe as the driving force behind these changes.

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Immigrants largely consist of naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees and asylees, persons on certain temporary visas, and unauthorized immigrants. The number of immigrants has risen significantly in most states, and some have experienced particularly large increases. Florida, for example, had the largest absolute increase in its immigrant population between 2010 and 2021, while North Dakota had the greatest relative increase (see Table 2).

The Population of the Americas

In the United States, both whites and blacks have seen their shares of the total population fall since 1980. In contrast, Asians have grown from a small share to a larger one. The racial makeup of the nation has changed dramatically over the past four decades, as the country has become more diverse in terms of its origins and the ages of its population.

Compared to the native-born population, the immigrant population is older. This is partially because immigrants tend to arrive as adults, and because they tend to have older children. The median age of the immigrant population was 47 years in 2021, compared to 37 for the native-born population.

The majority of immigrants are women and girls. In 2021, 51 percent of immigrants reported being female, compared to 49 percent for the native-born population. In addition, a higher proportion of immigrants are ages 65 and older than the native-born population. This is a result of the large baby boom generation reaching this stage in life, as well as pandemic-related restrictions on travel and movement from many countries.

In general, immigrants are more likely to have health insurance coverage than the native-born population. Despite challenges from the Affordable Care Act and other policy changes, most immigrants have private or public health insurance. However, the rate of unauthorized immigrant children with no health insurance is a concern and is a challenge to social services. In 2021, 4.3 million unauthorized immigrant children lived with no health insurance coverage.

Many of these children lived with their parents, who were also unauthorized immigrants. This is a significant problem that must be addressed. The United States needs to create a system that allows all children access to health insurance, regardless of their parents’ status. This is a goal that all parties should work together to achieve. This will require the cooperation of federal, state, and local agencies as well as community organizations. If the United States wants to retain its position as a global leader, it must take steps to ensure that all children are healthy and have a chance to succeed.

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